Provide for good samaritan acts

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Reference no: EM131838707

Like many states, Florida has statutes that provide for Good Samaritan acts. Section 678.13 (2008) The Good Samaritan Act Sections 678.1315 - 678.1382 (2008)

Give an example where one of these laws has been applied in a legal setting.

Do you think it was fairly applied?

Do you think that there would be social ramifications from this case?

Will it decrease bystander affect? Did you know this law existed? Would it change the way you act if you did?

Reference no: EM131838707

Questions Cloud

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Provide for good samaritan acts : Like many states, Florida has statutes that provide for Good Samaritan acts. Section 678.13 (2008) The Good Samaritan Act Sections 678.1315 - 678.1382 (2008)
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