Reference no: EM131440203
Learning Activity #1
Now is the time to select a strategy (FINALLY!!), but before you identify a specific strategy to implement, you have to create a few alternatives to choose from. During the previous week you identified the generic strategic direction for Southwest. It is now time to identify specific alternative strategies for implementation. Based on the strategic direction that you identified in Week 4, create 2-3 strategic alternatives, i.e., actual strategies that the organization should pursue. Keep in mind that these alternatives MUST fit under the umbrella strategic direction you identified last week. Be sure to fully explain each alternative and why its a good possibility including supporting rationale.
Learning Activity #2
Use the QSPM tool to review the alternatives identified this week in Learning Activity #1 to identify just ONE strategy to move forward (please include the QSPM in your response). Provide a detailed explanation of the ONE strategy identified using this tool and explain why that strategy is critical to the organizations future success; be sure to use the data from previous weeks to support your explanation.
Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting.
here is comment i received from the instructor about week 4. You wrote activity "duscussion95"
activity 1 "International opportunities and new aircraft are debatable issues. Are the increased costs and competition worth it? We will see as they choose to take these risks.
actiity 2 "Somewhat confusing. Is semi-international meant to mean South America?
Men make up 80%, women 70%, children 10%. What does this mean. mathematically and logically?
How do you create a strong organizational culture
: Why is the organizational culture so important in the successful implementation of an ethics program for a business? How do you create a strong organizational culture?
Impact compensation systems
: Should companies worry about the impact their compensation systems might have on society at large and/or the local economy? Why or why not?
Find the minimum-cost shipping plan
: The plant in Akron has a capacity of 2,800 cases per week, and the Evansville plant can produce 4,500 cases per week. Customer orders for the next week are.
Business industry and wholesale industry
: What are some of the changes going on in the business industry and wholesale industry? Maybe consider the affects of the Trump administration on your field. What changes are already underway and where do you believe things are headed due to inter..
Provide detailed explanation of the one strategy identified
: Provide a detailed explanation of the ONE strategy identified using this tool and explain why that strategy is critical to the organizations future success; be sure to use the data from previous weeks to support your explanation.
Identify and discuss the order of writing for the thesis
: Identify and discuss the order of writing for the thesis. Include a discussion of the sections to be included in the thesis.
Explain what factors you should consider
: Write a paper (1,000-1,200 words) that explains what factors you should consider when writing your variance report to your vice president. Your vice president expects her managers to write detailed variance reports that include all possibilities.
How the us accommodates disabilities through the americans
: To begin with, revisit how the U.S. accommodates disabilities through the Americans with Disabilities Act. Next, choose a country other than the United States and Japan to research.
The attention grabber in the conclusion of your speech
: "Now that we've learned the life cycle of Bee's, let's examine why they are dying out" is an example of. Referring back to the attention grabber in the conclusion of your speech is called: