Provide constructive criticism

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132649524

MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design - Laureate International Universities

One - Peer Assessment of File-based Database Design


This assignment is based on the following scenario:

ABC library is a small community library in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. In the recent years, its collection of books and the number of registered users have increased significantly facing difficulties in manually handling

its main functions efficiently. To improve its services, the senior management of the library has considered a computerized library management system.

The library has a rich collection of books with different genres such as fiction, biography, and history to name a few. The main functions considered for computerizing include searching of book collection based on author name, book title and genre. For this, the system should allow common functions including add, delete and modification of book details. Similarly, the library also wants to keep records of all the transactions- book issue and return. Finally, the system should allow the library staff to view all transactions and associated borrowers (library members) for each transaction, transaction date and the library staff who handled each transaction.

This assessment comprises of TWO parts.


Requirements: Based on this scenario, you should identify key business data objects and their attributes and define them as columns in a spreadsheet using MS excel or similar software. For this you are required to create multiple versions, ideally one file with 4 sheets with each sheet numbered with the version number, of the spreadsheet file as per below instruction:
• Version 1 (V1.0): List all the data objects and their attributes as columns, and then add at least 10 rows of data.
• Version 2 (V1.1): Update last 2 records (highlight in blue) and add 5 additional records (highlight in yellow) to each data object identified.
• Version 3 (V1.2): Add 2 new attributes (highlight in red) to each data object identified.
• Version 4 (V1.3) : Remove 1 existing attribute from each data object and add 5 more rows of data (highlight in green).
After completing the spreadsheet versions, you are required produce and experience/reflection report (1000 words) in a word document summarizing your experience of doing these tasks.
Submission: Your submission must composed of the following files, which must be submitted to Blackboard on or before Week 4, Thursday 23:59 (Sydney time)
1. Spreadsheet file.
2. Experience/Reflection report (Approximately 1000 words) in a word document summarizing your experience of doing this assignment.

Note: On the following day, you will receive another student's spreadsheet via email to review, for which you are required to write a short critique. This is explained in the following section.


Requirements: Based on the spreadsheet you received, you are required to write a critique of approximately 500 words. Please note that your critique should provide constructive feedback highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement in the report, as well as any new knowledge gained from evaluating the authors report. You should provide feedback on overall design of the database, and fulfil the following minimum requirements:
• Comment on the overall design of the database including the appropriateness of data objects and the attributes taken into consideration.
• Provide constructive criticism on how author could enhance the overall database design, data objects and attributes.
• Provide at least 4 useful readings the author may peruse to enhance understanding of business data objects and their characteristics.

Attachment:- Database Design.rar

Reference no: EM132649524

Questions Cloud

Data lifecycle management-information lifecycle management : A comparison and evaluation of lifecycle approaches such as: data lifecycle management (DLM), information lifecycle management and total lifecycle management
Discuss the role of the dupont method in business strategy : Discuss the role of ROI and the Dupont Method in business strategy. Define what is the meant by Dupont Method in business strategy.
Review the position statements and testimony : Investigate the interest group's website and review their position statements, testimony, and consult media reports to obtain more information on the group's.
Can the selling division and buying division negotiate : Can the selling division and buying division negotiate for the transfer price? Calculate the lower and upper acceptable transfer price!
Provide constructive criticism : Provide constructive criticism on how author could enhance the overall database design, data objects and attributes.
What are the influences on an individual value system : What are the Influences on an Individual's Value system?
Why bond prices are subject to changes in interest rates : Explain why bond prices are subject to changes in interest rates. Describe the characteristics of a bond and provide an example of a firm or government entity
Construct KellerCo tax rate reconciliation : Construct KellerCo's tax rate reconciliation for its GAAP tax footnote. Use either dollars or percentages in your reconciliation
How many ounces of each nut should be used : Given cost and fat per ounce for each variety, how many ounces of each nut should be used in the new 32-ounce can to minimize the total cost of each can?


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