Provide assembly and detail drawings

Assignment Help Chemistry
Reference no: EM131346833

Design a variable resistance rowing exercise machine that has a direct digital readout of the instantaneous energy expenditure rate of the user. This means you have to specify or design transducers that measure the instantaneous work rate (i.e., power) done on the machine. This power can be absorbed by the machine either electrically or mechanically.

Provide assembly and detail drawings of your design plus specify all the electronics necessary to process the transducer signals and provide the proper digital output.

Reference no: EM131346833

Questions Cloud

Determine the specific molar activation entropy of death : If the specific molar activation enthalpy of death is 800. MJ/ kgmole, the compensation temperature is 330. K, and the constant β = -276 kJ/(kgmole.K), determine the specific molar activation entropy of death.
Design an inexpensive apparatus : Design an inexpensive apparatus that measures the energy conversion efficiency of an in vivo human arm or leg muscle.
Design a bomb calorimeter large enough to burn a sample : Design a bomb calorimeter large enough to burn a sample as large as 1 pound. Pay special attention to safety considerations in your design.
Design a system that measures the rate of metabolic heat : Design a system that measures the rate of metabolic heat production of a small warm-blooded animal. You may use either a direct or an indirect calorimetry technique.
Provide assembly and detail drawings : Provide assembly and detail drawings of your design plus specify all the electronics necessary to process the transducer signals and provide the proper digital output.
Broadening the notion of participation in online discussions : Write a summary of "Broadening the Notion of Participation in Online Discussions: Examining Patterns in Learners' Online Listening Behaviors."
What is price elasticity if 220 million people are insured : What is the price elasticity if 200 million people are insured? What is the price elasticity if 220 million people are insured?
Construct and calibrate given apparatus : Construct and calibrate this apparatus if possible, and make enough measurements to plot Q/Tb for some living system vs. time at various environmental temperatures. Does Q/Tb increase or decrease as the environmental temperature decreases?
Calculate yeons income elasticity of demand forrice : Calculate Yeon's income elasticity of demand forrice. Show your calculation. Is rice income elastic or inelastic? Is rice normal good or inferior good - how much would the price of beefhave fallen if the demand for beef increased by 10 per cent?..


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