Provide an overview of the topic that includes areas

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Reference no: EM133516417

Assignment: Culture & Diversity- Psychology

You may determine the work setting for your presentation, such as educational institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, hospitals, or mental health care facilities. After selecting the presentation setting, choose your topic that may include any area covered in this course.

Sample topics:

1. Racial stereotypes and racism (select one racial or ethnic group).
2. Immigration.
3. Religion and spirituality.
4. Gender stereotypes and sexism.
5. Sexual orientation and heterosexism.
6. Age stereotypes and ageism.
7. Mental disabilities.
8. Physical disabilities.

Part I

Provide an overview of the topic that includes areas that will be covered in the presentation, a brief description of the population or social group you chose, and key definitions and terms.

Part II

The body of the presentation should include the following:

1. Strengths and other positive aspects of being a member of the social group or population.

2. Challenges faced by members of this group. Issues related to categorization and stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and social stigma should be incorporated.

Part III

Conclude with possible solutions to help combat the challenges faced and/or strategies to support the social group or population.

The following guide may be used to organize your presentation:

1. Slide 1: Title (APA style).

2. Slide 2: Presentation overview/outline.

3. Slides 3 and 4: Description of population or social group.

4. Slides 5 and 6: Definitions and terms.

5. Slides 7 and 8: Strengths and other positive aspects of population or social group.

6. Slides 9-12: Challenges faced by population or social group (categorization and stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and social stigma).

7. Slides 13-16: Solutions and supportive strategies/Conclusion.

8. Slide 17: References.

Reference no: EM133516417

Questions Cloud

What makes healthcare administrator personally appealing : What makes healthcare administrator personally or professionally appealing, what is the professional development requirements are for certification or licensure
Identify overarching goal or objectives : Identify overarching goal or objectives. Describe why this action, policy, or framework should be prioritized (what's at stake for the U.S. and the world).
Introduction to key buddhist themes : This introductory section will include an introduction to key Buddhist themes and an explanation of what a Buddhist Film actually is-utilize.
Who is responsible for managing such issues in court : Who is responsible for managing such issues in court or stepping in to handle them?
Provide an overview of the topic that includes areas : Provide an overview of the topic that includes areas that will be covered in the presentation, a brief description of the population or social group you chose.
Describe the operations section of an incident command : Describe the Operations Section of an Incident Command and what it is involved with. Do you think it is the most important section of the staff?
Differences between prison gangs and street gangs : What are the differences between prison gangs and street gangs? What factors contribute to the proliferation of gangs in prisons?
Reflect on possible implications of social change : Analyze the output, determining whether mediation was significant and how to interpret that result. Reflect on possible implications of social change.
Why did the authors use moderation/mediation in their model : Why did the authors use moderation/mediation in their multiple regression model? Did the authors display the results in a figure or table?


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