Provide an overview of the issues facing AWS

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Reference no: EM132996020

BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change

Assessment 1- Written Questions

1 Briefly describe the key steps or stages of an organisation's change cycle. Your response should be no longer than 200 words in total.

2 Briefly describe any five (5) strategies that a manager can use to communicate and embed change in an organisation. Your response should be no longer than 250 words.

3 Explain how the following factors can impact an organisation's change strategies. Provide at least one measure to manage or mitigate the impact for each factor. Your response should be no longer than 200 words in total.
a. organisational behaviour
b. external environmental factors such as market trends and regulatory changes

4 Identify at least 6 key components of a change management plan.

5 Discuss three (3) potential barriers to change. Explain how you would respond to these three barriers to change. Your response should not exceed 250 words in total.

Assessment 2 - Project 1 - Identify change requirements


Apex Work Skills Pty. Ltd. (AWS) is a private Registered Training Organisation, with a student enrolment of 2000 and 50 training staff employed on sessional or full time basis. The RTO has about approximately 30 administration staff.

Traditionally AWS has delivered nationally recognised training courses in construction and business management. Since last year AWS has added qualifications in real estate and property services to their scope of registration.

The CEO of AWS wants the RTO to be known as the best in the country. Recently she has invested over a million dollars in building state of the art facilities, such as new classrooms, workshops, tools and equipment. AWS uses conventional methods of face-to-face training delivery and these facilities are important for classroom delivery.

AWS always employs suitably qualified and experienced trainers and assessors. In order to ensure compliance with trainer/assessor requirements, AWS has committed substantial funding towards the professional development of its trainers.

AWS has three student cohorts - international fee paying, domestic government funded, and domestic fee paying. Of these, international fee paying and domestic funded are the biggest revenue streams.

International students pay full course fees for their study, while AWS has been receiving government funding for delivering vocational training programs to domestic Australian students, based on the student's eligibility for receiving funding. The company has been relying on this funding to cover the expenses it incurs in training students; therefore, this is a very crucial source of income. AWS strategic plans and business plans are based on the assumption that the RTO will continue to receive government funding as a source of income.

In response, the AWS Management team has been meeting behind closed doors for the last month, and has decided to cut 30% of its training staff (15 long-term contracted trainers). The company will reorganise its operational structure as follows:

• 15 full-time training positions will be made redundant
• trainers' employment terms will be re-negotiated to ongoing casual basis
• any new trainers will be employed on an ongoing casual basis
• all managerial and non-academic positions will be maintained

• trainer rosters and payroll costs will be adjusted based on student numbers for each new intake

The implications of these changes for the strategic goals of AWS will be significant.

There is a strong possibility that the quality of training provided at AWS could be affected by the afore mentioned operational changes in the following ways:

sudden drop in training staff if current trainers are not willing to re-negotiate their terms of employment and there is a lag in recruiting new trainers
higher error rate in processing student data (such as assessment results, attendance, etc.) due to a constantly changing roster of staff, unless processes are standardised and all academic staff are thoroughly inducted prior to commencing roles
greater reliance on offsite/ self-paced training using online tools for domestic students, in order to reduce trainer costs and overhead costs associated with classroom based training
negative impact of reduction of resources on quality of training

Part A - Prepare a change proposal

You are the HR & Administration Manager of AWS. It is June 2020, and you are tasked with preparing a change management plan to reduce budget and manage redundancy over the next 6 months.

Prepare a change proposal detailing change requirements for the organisation. In your proposal, you must complete the following:

1. Provide an overview of the issues facing AWS that have necessitated changes in company operations.

2. Research and identify at least two factors in the business environment of AWS that may impact the company's ability to achieve its strategic objectives for 2020-2022. You may use the Readings Apr 2020 provided in Appendix A or research resources on your own. You must cite the references appropriately, using the APS style, and include a list of references at the end of your proposal document.

3. Based on the challenges that AWS is facing, and your research, identify:
• three changes to be made to AWS operations that are now necessary to reduce costs and maximise income, in order to achieve strategic goals
• the priority with which each should be implemented.

4. Identify of how the identified changes are relevant to the organisation's strategic goals.
• The student must discuss how the proposed changes will enable the company to reduce expenses.
• The following response is based on the sample changes suggested above.

5. Research and identify a suitable outplacement service/ program for your needs, and four ways in which they can help AWS achieve goals.

6. Research at least two further sources of information, and identify and provide a brief summary of at least two regulatory/ legislative best practices and compliance requirements for implementing changes relevant to the change objectives of AWS, (citing sources in your response).

7. Review the AWS HR policy (given in Appendix B), and discuss any two changes/ additions that are required to the policy in order to implement organisational change.

8. Identify two other documents related to the above organisational policies that must be developed or revised in order to achieve organisational change (e.g. trainer related documentation, procedures, forms, etc.).

Part B: Role-play - Discuss change requirements with CEO and finalise priority of changes

Conduct a meeting with the CEO and Board of Directors of AWS, to discuss the changes you have suggested in your proposal, and the priority, and seek their inputs and approval on the same.

You may use up to 5 brief PowerPoint slides as presentation aids.

During the meeting, you must:
• identify the changes you have suggested in your proposal
• identify the change priorities you have assigned, and the reasons for your order
• seek inputs from the CEO on changes and priorities
• confirm and finalise changes and priorities
• make notes of inputs from CEO

This is a role play. Your assessor will play the part of the CEO. Your classmates will be the Board of Directors, and be the audience in the meeting. You will be playing the role of the HR & Administration Manager.

The board of directors will have no input in the meeting, only the CEO will provide you with feedback and approval. However, you must include and address the board when you present your proposal.

Part C: Role play - Consult specialist

Following your meeting with the CEO of AWS, conduct a meeting with Kate Lee of Oz Careers, who specialises in providing outplacement services and redundancy management to businesses.

During the meeting, you must:
• provide Kate with an overview of the highest priority change facing AWS
• seek inputs from her on how AWS should prepare for redundancies
• seek information from Kate on:
o how her company can help AWS manage redundancies
o what the benefits of these services are
o what the costs are

You must make notes of your discussion and retain them for use in subsequent tasks.

Assessment 3 - Project 2 - Develop change management strategy

Part A: Prepare a change management strategy

This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment 2.

Based on your proposal, research and notes from your meetings with the CEO and the Oz Careers consultant, prepare a change management strategy for AWS.

Your strategy must identify:

1. changes to be implemented, including:
a. establishing criteria to be used for identifying the 30% of staff to be made redundant
b. establishing areas where budget cuts will be implemented

2. change goals, specifying:
a. who/what is impacted
b. how they are impacted
c. when the impacts will be realised
d. strategies for embedding change

3. a cost-benefit analysis for using the services of Oz Careers (based on the quote in Assessment 2, Part C), that covers:
a. the costs
b. 2 risks of using and not using the service
c. 2 possible benefits of the services
d. assessment of the benefits against the costs and risks
e. assessment of feasibility, categorised as:
i. feasible (F)
ii. maybe feasible (MF)
iii. not feasible (NF)

4. a risk analysis (using the template in Appendix C), identifying at least one risk or barrier to change each, in any three of the following categories, along with a mitigation strategy for each risk/ barrier to change:
• financial risk
• reputational risk
• operational/ WHS risk
• unintended consequences and associated risk
• legal/ regulatory risk

5. a communication plan (using the template in Appendix D) that outlines:
a. audience
b. message
c. when this communication will occur
d. how the message will be communicated (e.g. email, face to face, newsletter)
e. personnel responsible

6. a measuring/reporting strategy, including:
a. how you will measure success
b. reporting protocols, including:
i. who the relevant managers are
ii. who will produce reports
iii. frequency of reporting
iv. who will receive a copy of the report

7. a list of resources required for the project, including:
a. financial resources
b. responsibility matrix, including:
i. who will lead and manage the change project
ii. specific responsibilities of CEO and senior managers

8. a change management project timeline (prepared in Microsoft Excel), including communication activities and personnel responsible

Use the points in the task to formulate sections and subheadings for your strategy. You may use the Readings Apr 2020 provided in Appendix A to research a format for a change management strategy.

Part B: Role-play - Confirm change management strategy with CEO

You have prepared the change management strategy, and now are required to conduct a presentation and consultation with the senior management of AWS.

You must prepare and deliver a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation management strategy you have drafted, and then conduct a 10-15

about the change minute discussion in

which you get feedback for the strategy, allocate responsibilities and resources, and get approval to go ahead and implement the strategy.

In this meeting, you must:

a. communicate your change management strategy to senior management, including:
• change management process and activities
• strategies for embedding change
• potential barriers to change/ risks, and mitigation strategies
• cost benefit analysis of Oz Careers services
• resources required for the project
• personnel responsible for various aspects of the project plan (including outplacement service)
• measurement of success, and reporting protocols
• communication plan overview
• timelines for the change strategy

b. discuss and get your CEO's opinion and suggestions and on:
• change management process and activities
• resources for the project
• reporting protocols
• timelines

c. obtain approval from the CEO to implement the change management strategy after you incorporate any changes or feedback from CEO

d. make notes of any changes suggested by the CEO, and retain them for use in subsequent

You must distribute a copy of your strategy to all stakeholders before the presentation.

This presentation will take the form of a role play. You will be playing the role of the HR & Administration Manager, and your assessor will act as the CEO. Your classmates will play the roles of the board of directors and senior managers.

The board of directors will have no input in the meeting, only the CEO will provide you with feedback and approval. However, you must include and address the board when you present your proposal.

At the end of the role play, you must make any changes specified by the CEO, in your change management strategy, and submit a final version of the strategy.

Assessment 4 - Project 3 - Conduct an information session for staff

This task is a role play, to be completed as a group assessment.

Your assessor will assign you to a group of 5 students. You and your group will play the roles of members of the Oz Careers outplacement team, and plan and conduct an information session for trainers at AWS, as part of the outplacement program.

Your assessor will organise four volunteers to play the roles of trainers.

Assume that this information session is the first communication activity scheduled in the change project plan. Prior to this, trainers have received no clear information about the changes that will take place.
The information session is to be conducted before redundancies are announced, in order to inform and prepare trainers.

In your group, you must:

1. Prepare a plan for a 10-minute information session for all staff. The focus of this session will be:

• introducing Oz Careers and explaining the role of the outplacement agency
• explaining changes that are going to be implemented, and how they will affect trainers
• explaining timeline of changes
• explaining criteria used to decide which positions will be made redundant
• promoting the benefits of change

Use the to prepare your session plan. Each member of
the group must fill out their session plan based on group discussion, and submit their plan as part of their individual assessment submission.

Your plan should contain names and IDs of all members of your group.

Prepare the content of your session through discussion and negotiation with your group. Each member of the group may have varying change management strategies (in previous tasks). However, for the purpose of this assessment, the group must brainstorm and identify mutually acceptable points for communication.

2. Prepare a based on your plan. Each member of the
group must present one of the five sections specified above.

All members of the group must contribute equally to the development of the session plan and the presentation.

3. Conduct the 10-minute information session, allowing 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

During the presentation, members of your group must take turns to present.

During the discussion, you group must seek feedback and inputs on:
concerns and issues trainers have with the change plan
pectations of trainers on how the change management plan will be executed

Even if you are not the team member who asked for feedback from trainers, you must still pay close attention to the feedback from trainers and make notes.

When you receive input from trainers, any member of the group may provide a response, if possible. However, if you are not able to respond to the feedback or question immediately, you may thank the trainers for sharing their concerns, and explain to them that you will consider their input and get back to them.

Your assessor will brief volunteers in the audience to play trainers who will be affected directly by the change measures, and they will provide your group with feedback. Volunteers will receive cue cards to prompt them during the role play.

Assessment 5 - Project 4 - Monitor and evaluate strategy implementation

Part A: Identify a barrier to change and mitigation strategy

This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment 4.

You are the HR & Administration Manager of AWS. You have received a report from the Oz Careers team, outlining the feedback received from staff in the information session they conducted (Assessment Task 4).

Consult the notes you have made during the information session in Assessment Task 4, and assume that it is feedback from Oz Careers team.

Based on your notes, answer the following questions in the space below or in a separate typed document.

1. Identify at least one barrier to change that was evident during the information session conducted by Oz Careers, and the reason for the barrier.

2. Identify one mitigation strategy from your risk assessment, that you can apply to mitigate risk/ barrier to change.

3. Identify one modification you will make to the change management strategy, to mitigate the risk/ barrier to change, and to embed change.

Part B: Respond to barrier to change

Revise the change management strategy you prepared in Assessment Task 3, (based on changes identified in Part A, above.

Part C: Evaluate implementation of change strategy Scenario
It is now a month since AWS implemented the change management plan.

AWS had put in place a process to measure, evaluate and review the progress of the project plan against milestones, so that they can modify the project plan if required, to achieve change program objectives.

As part of your regular monitoring, you have conducted an evaluation of the progress made so far, and discover that the project really hasn't made much progress.

Assume that the first milestone was to prepare the following documentation within 1 month of project commencement:
• develop redundancy policy and procedure,
• prepare redundancy arrangement documentation

These tasks have not been completed. The policy and documentation has been developed, but is yet to be approved by the board. Thus, the milestone has not been met.

This is a serious matter as it will delay the commencement of the redundancy project, with consequences such as loss of morale and confusion amongst employees.

In addition, the company could also suffer losses by way of loss of productivity and towards the higher wages of full time permanent trainers, and without an approved redundancy policy AWS will not be able to implement the redundancies, as it is a regulatory requirement.


Your task is to:
• prepare a monthly project status report, so that corrective actions are recorded and actioned on priority
• set a new deadline for completing this milestone and update the project timeline (prepared in Assessment 3) to reflect the new dates
• adjust any other related activities in the timeline, based on the modification you have made, and ensure that the project can be completed on time, with no more than 1 week delay.

Attachment:- Lead and manage organisational change.rar

Reference no: EM132996020

Questions Cloud

Discuss potential barriers to change : Discuss three potential barriers to change. Explain how you would respond to these three barriers to change. Your response should not exceed 250 words
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Provide an overview of the issues facing AWS : Lead and manage organisational change - Provide an overview of the issues facing AWS that have necessitated changes in company operations.
What should be depreciation expense recorded for equipment : NCT Company purchased equipment in January of 2011 for P90,000. What should be the depreciation expense recorded for this equipment in 2021?
What are the ending balances of the deferred tax asset : Based on the above information, what are the ending balances of the deferred tax asset and liability accounts for the subsequent year (2019)
Find the probability that the mean amount of work : The amount of time that chief managers in listed companies devote to their jobs per week is normally distributed, with a mean of 50 hours and a standard deviat
Find and record payment of interest and redemption of bonds : The bonds were dated May 1, 2020, and pay interest annually on May 1. Record the payment of interest and redemption of the bonds.



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