Provide an overview of the challenges faced in zanzibar

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Reference no: EM131650379 , Length: 1800 Words

State of information security in Zanzibar's public sector

Abstract: Information systems (IS) have become important tools in the developing countries, it is vital to provide measures to protect them as threats are much closer to developing countries than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current state of information systems security management (ISSM) in Zanzibar's public sector. The investigation involves ten public organisations and six public websites in Zanzibar and is underpinned by a survey and field observations. The results show that organisations involve the citizen registration and finance has better security. Physical and environmental controls are somewhat better managed. However, improvement is needed concerning business continuity plans. Furthermore, the results show that relevant staff skills in ISSM are inadequate. Hence, Zanzibar's public sector needs to invest in information security management capacity building as well as to adopt whole information security management standards throughout the public sector.


Please read the academic paper "State of Information Security in Zanzibar's public sector"


IRAC, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Q1 Provide an overview of the challenges faced in Zanzibar as well as in one other exemplar "developing country" as regards the evolution, and adoption of IT/Corporate Governance standards in the public sector.

Q2 To what extend can Corporate Governance operate as a reliable "proxy" for trust as regards E-Governance? You are expected to refer specifically to the details provided in the attached academic paper as well as other suitable sources.

Q3 What role might International E-Governance standards have to play in the future evolution of E-Governance both in developed and in developing countries? Refer to evolving standards in your answer as necessary.

Brief Notes of Guidance:

1. Carefully check your answer in terms of the dangers of plagiarism and also for spelling and grammatical errors. Give all Figures / Tables a number and label.

2. Use the Harvard system of referencing and provide a full and complete set of references at the end of your assignment.

3. To achieve more than a pass mark you need to offer critique as well as elaborate an argument that is evidentially based.

4. Carefully structure your answers using the word limits for guidance. Excessively lengthy submissions will be penalised as will short submissions that nominally address the questions above.

Attachment:- Case Study Assignment.rar

Verified Expert

This paper is concerned with the e-governance in developing countries. This paper also describes role of corporate governance in improving the functioning of e-governance. The role of international e-governance in developing future e-governance in developing and developed countries are also discussed. This assignment is prepared in Microsoft word document.

Reference no: EM131650379

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1/9/2018 5:02:37 AM

Thank you so much for clearing my all the doubts, Now I have cleared all my issues and got to know this assignment very well. Now I am sure to get good marks in this assignment for sure. thanks a lot.


12/1/2017 5:20:22 AM

The main problem of Zanzibar is not the lack of ICT equipment and IT techniques but the main problem is that the organizations and employees are not following the rules and regulations which results in security breaches. So the above given preventive measures help to eradicate data security breaches which ultimately result in building of trust


12/1/2017 5:17:09 AM

1- Do not include the question in your submission as this is a waste of words especially with a limited word count. 2- Use in-text citation when you are referring to a reference source. Example; 'according to Brown & Daly (2016) e-Government is...' 3- Answer the question in the order that it is asked and make sure you answer the question. 4- Good use of bullet-points but you can also present the information in Tables, Figures, Diagrams, Graphs, Lists, etc... 5- Do not exceed the word count or you will be penalised. 6- You will need to improve the English grammar on your work and ensure that you proof -read before submission. Above is just a feedback on the document scanned by the lecture Dr. This review is only relate to the document document contains review is provided on my previous post the question two is clearly mentioned to talk about the trust which government need to place (refer specifically to the details provided in the attached academic paper as well as other suitable sources)


12/1/2017 5:16:22 AM

25130167_1CIS049-6 Data Governance and Compliance Oman - Lecture 61.pdf Please note: there is no introduction requirement hence please don't put, just answer the questions. The words are limited and the words should all be valid to the questions I have added all my comments in the attached document and look forward for your feedback. Read the powerpoint which I attached to answer the question number 2. 25130193_1DGC-comments.doc


12/1/2017 5:12:57 AM

Regard to the question one: the expert should highlight or overview of the challenges of Zanzibar as well as in one other exemplar "developing country" as regards the evolution, and adoption of IT/Corporate Governance standards in the public sector .. Case study is attached which explain about the challenges on Zanzibar when respect to only volution, and adoption of IT/Corporate Governance standards Regard to question two: its about trust on have a proxy service such as a web service to collect information from Corporate Governance, what the consumer need to trust it and what Corporate need to do to build the trust on the consumer? The expert should be able to apply the trust calculation, and look into the security, etc .. in building the trust .. The expert should read more about VO (Virtual Origination), attached document having details about VO and how to build the trust with the consume and the Corporate Regard to question three, I think its quite clear .. The paper should have a proper reference and please it should contains some trust calculation as well some pictures on relate question which gives more explains about the subject.


9/20/2017 3:10:10 AM

This assignment relate to data governance. The topic was not listed hence I have selected a random topic but I'm stating here that the topic is relate to data governance. ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Please read the academic paper "State of Information Security in Zanzibar’s public sector” Hussein SHAABAN, Marc CONRAD, Tim FRENCH IRAC, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Q1 Provide an overview of the challenges faced in Zanzibar as well as in one other exemplar "developing country" as regards the evolution, and adoption of IT/Corporate Governance standards in the public sector. [60 marks]

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