Reference no: EM131414097 , Length: word count:1400
Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology Paper
Choose one of the case studies provided in the electronic readings for Week One.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze cross-cultural psychology.
As a part of your analysis, do the following:
Provide an overview of the case study.
Use the case study to provide a definition and an example of cultural and cross-cultural psychology.
Analyze the relationship between cultural psychology and cross-cultural psychology.
Discuss the methodology associated with cross-cultural psychology research.
Discuss how the case study helps you better understand how ethnicity, race, and worldviews are separate yet related concepts.
Discuss how enculturation may play a role in the case study you have chosen.
Incorporate a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Format your presentation and reference page consistent with APA guidelines. This should not be direct quotes but paraphrased and cited with references. It should be spell checked, grammar checked, and plagiarism checked.
The Effects of Cognitive Appraisals of Communication Competence in Conflict Interactions: A Study Involving Western and Chinese Cultures (Frances P. Brew1 , Justin Tan1 ,Helen Booth1, and Irum Malik)
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