Provide an overview of current global agreement surrounding

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131311745


Write a 5 page essay (12 point type, Times New Roman, double spaced or the equivalent) on each of the following questions.

1. Provide an overview of the current global agreement surrounding the Production and Technology Structures. In doing so, focus on the key organizations and the international legal principles which they embody. Your essay should explain both what they do and do not address. Explain how Liberalism has been the dominant theory guiding the creation of these organizations and rules. What challenges exist that could undermine this direction in the Global Political Economy? Given this, what are the prospects for a truly Liberal global order?

2. Pick a topic that we have discussed in class in relation to the evolving security structure of the global political economy. Compare and contrast Liberal, Realist and Structuralist perspectives on your chosen topic. Your answer should address the interrelationship between political, economic and social factors as well as the different levels of analysis.

The aswer should be from the same book

Reference no: EM131311745

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