Reference no: EM133770921 , Length: word count:2000
Part A: Adopt a risk management tool
Choose a risk management tool - see resources in Mole for a sample of toolS.
1. Research and provide substantiation regarding the tool's authenticity and validity, including its origins, development within relevant standards and literature. and its use within various industry domains(FB1). Provide links between the tool and applicable WHS legislation relating to its use (e.g: The PerForm Manual Tasks Assessment tool is used to help manage health and safety risks as-sing from manual tasks. as prescribed in Hazardous Manual Tasks in 'Part 4.2 Hazardous manual tasks' from the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011).
Provide an explanation of how the tool could be used to address specific physical or psychosocial nsks how, when and why the tool is
to be used).
Part B: Training in the use of the tool
1. Slate how training and instruction for individuals and parties who will use the risk management tool can occur.
2. Provide two samples 0.e.. PPT slides. Training register. Training plans, etc).
Part C: Conduct a risk assessment using the tool selected In Part A
Conduct a detailed risk assessment using the risk management tool selected in Part A.
The topic and tool for the risk assessment will need to be specific (specific title and defined problem). As an example. a topic name such as 'noise or 'heat stress' will not be sufficient but Noise Survey in Sheet Metal Workshop' or 'Heat Stress Risks for Maintenance Work on Roofs'
would be more suited as a title.
Topics may be drawn from any of the following classes hazard groups:
• Chemical
• Noise
• Light
• Radiation
• Dusts and fibres
• Gases
• Gravity
• Mechanical
• Thermal environment
• Psychosocial hazards
• Work organisation
• Ergonomic
• Psychosocial
• Radiological
• Biological
• Plant
• Electrical.