Provide access points for cyber attacks

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133271856

Question: Cybersecurity has become an issue for everyone, from individuals all the way up to the government. The need to protect data from hackers is one that everyone should be taking seriously. At the government level, there is an understanding that there will be transparency, but also a need to keep certain information protected (Cattanach and Greenberg, 2021). Since the Covid 19 pandemic, many more people are working from home using remote setups.

The need for personal security for their information and that of the businesses they work for has become a major point of concern. Firms that do not update their software or security regularly make themselves more vulnerable to cyber-attacks (Pranggono and Arabo, 2020).

While the Bible doesn't explicitly talk about database security, it does tell us to "show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity" (English Standard Version, Titus 2:7). If we are to follow what the Bible says, then by protecting our databases would be modeling good work for those around us. Caring for our families and those around us are fundamental parts of the Bible. Expanding on this, by protecting personal property it can be seen as caring for our families.

The increase in cyber-crimes affects personal property because of the amount of technology that has been incorporated in everyday life. Smart home technology has become increasingly popular but exposes homeowners to the threat of cyber attacks (Balozian, 2021). If we are to care for our families and protect our personal property, then we should be taking care to secure our online personal data as well. By protecting your personal data, you are keeping it from those who may try to use it to harm you or use it for their own purposes. The goal of cyber security is to ensure a risk-free and secure environment for keeping data, networks, and devices guarded against cyber threats. People are the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity because of the risky behaviors that provide access points for cyber attacks (Kennison and Chan-Tin, 2020).

We are to be safe and secure, a safe haven for those who need it and mitigating risky cyber behavior is our responsibility so that we can be considered safe and trustworthy stewards of what God has chosen to give us.

Reference no: EM133271856

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