Provide a sql statement that displays the title

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13542859

Number each answer and include both the statement that provides the answer to the question and the output from the statement.

Provide a SQL statement that displays the LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME of each customer separated by a comma. The LASTNAME and FIRSTNAME should be capitalized (ie. JOE should be Joe) and concatenated together with a column alias of "Full Name". The output should be sorted in ascending order by LASTNAME.

Provide a SQL statement that displays the ISBN, TITLE and PROFIT for all books where the COST is greater than or equal to $10.00 and less than or equal to $40.00. (The PROFIT is the difference between RETAIL and COST.) Include only those books that were published since January 1, 2001.

Provide a SQL statement that displays the TITLE and publisher NAME of each book in the "COMPUTER" CATEGORY.

Provide a SQL statement that displays the CUSTOMER# and LASTNAME for each customer along with the ORDER# of any order that the customer placed. The statement should include all customers including those that have not placed any orders.

Reference no: EM13542859

Questions Cloud

Find the angle as a function of time : A particle in a central force field has the orbit r=c*phi^2, where c is a constant.  Find the angle as a function of time
Find the waves maximum magnetic field and its direction : A plane electromagnetic wave is traveling along the x-axis. If the electric field of the wave has a maximum value of 2 x 10^-6 N/C, find the wave's maximum magnetic field and it's direction
Negative of the coulombic contribution per nucleon : Using the liquid drop model, plot on the same graph, as a function of A, in units of MeV/nucleon (a) the bulk or volume binding energy per nucleon, (b) the negative of the surface binding energy per nucleon,
Calculate what is the cold-reservoir temperature : A Carnot engine with a hot-reservoir temperature of 500 degrees C has a thermal efficiency of 26.3%. What is the cold-reservoir temperature in degrees C
Provide a sql statement that displays the title : Provide a SQL statement that displays the TITLE and publisher NAME of each book in the "COMPUTER" CATEGORY.
Calculate the refrigerators coefficient of performance : A refrigerator requires 10 J of work and exhausts 70 J of heat per cycle. What is the refrigerator's coefficient of performance
What fraction of total mass is lost electron bind to proton : From the difference in mass of a hydrogen atom (Appendix B) to the mass of a proton and an electron (Table 1.5), estimate the binding energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom. Compare this to the ionization energy of the ground state electron a..
Calculate how much work is done by the system : 500 J of energy are transferred to a system in the form of heat while the thermal energy increases by 100 J . How much work is done by the system
Determine what is the mass of the copper block : A copper block is removed from a 310 C oven and dropped into 1.10 kg of water at 20.5 C. What is the mass of the copper block


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