Provide a solution and address how the solution will change

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Reference no: EM133217879

Assignment - Legalization of Marijuana Discussion

Description - In the persuasive speech, you will be taking a position on an argumentative topic and attempting to persuade your audience through the use of strong and credible evidence. You will be asked to choose a topic that you feel is problematic or needs to receive more public attention. You will address what the current problems are, causes of the problem and then propose a solution/policy that may alleviate these problems. Remember that one of the most important aspects of this assignment will be how well you support your arguments using credible sources. Make sure your statements are backed up with strong evidence.

Here is brief overview of the main sections of the persuasive speech. Refer to the persuasive outline template on the following page to organize your speech.

Main Point 1: Address current problems associated with the issue. Show that a significant problem exists and that there are harms associated with this problem. Discuss who is affected by the problem and how. Provide facts, statistics, examples, etc. The idea is to heighten the problem and the need for change in the mind of your audience before offering solutions.

Main Point 2: State the cause or causes of the problem or even what the problem ends up causing to happen. Provide facts, statistics, examples, etc. to prove your case. If possible, demonstrate why current solutions or ways of doing things are not helping solve the problem.

Main Point 3: Provide a solution/policy and address how the solution will change or benefit the public. Explain how the solution will work and any other details to make speech convincing. Provide facts, statistics, examples, testimonies, etc. to show why your solution is a good one.

Reference no: EM133217879

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