Provide a snapshot of a large amount of data

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13772859

Design and Graphics

Good document design includes effective use of white space and colors. Graphics are often used to provide a snapshot of a large amount of data or to illustrate a topic. Poorly-designed pages can take away from the intended message of the document.

Choose a graphic, chart, or image that you feel will help your proposal. Explain why it is useful and what it means in the context of your Final Project. Be sure to reference relevant material. In your responses to classmates, critique the images of your peers, and make suggestions for other ways the information could be presented. Defend your suggestions.

Reference no: EM13772859

Questions Cloud

The purpose of the term project to explore it topic : The purpose of the term project is for you to explore an IT topic of your choice. You may choose any IT topic, subject to instructor's approval.
What are crucial issues when writing arguments : What are crucial issues when writing arguments - what are your experiences, and what is respectful peer editing?
Community patrol officer program : The Community Patrol Officer Program (CPOP) was instituted in 1984 in: Newark's evaluation of foot patrol found all but which of the following outcomes
Impacts the role of a surgical technologist : Explain the contributions that you will make to impact this profession as a Surgical Technologist
Provide a snapshot of a large amount of data : provide a snapshot of a large amount of data or to illustrate a topic. Poorly-designed pages can take away from the intended message of the document.
Industrial and hazardous waste management : A chemist has chosen to use benzene in a product formulation and comes to you to help him to classify the mixture. Benzene is a known carcinogen. He asks you to help him to determine how much he can use so that he does not have to put the health h..
The basic components and goals of a liberalist government : What are the basic components and goals of a socialist government?
Define commercial assignments and residential assignments : Discuss fully the elements of assignment. Examine whether or not rights can be assigned if prohibited in a lease contract. Analyze the distinctions between commercial assignments and residential assignments
Describe the waterfall methodology : Describe the waterfall methodology and identify its relationship to the PMBOK® process groups. Describe the agile methodology and identify its relationship to the PMBOK® process groups.


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Computer Graphics Questions & Answers

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