Provide a short summary of your project

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133074554 , Length: word count:200

Operations management Course

Term Paper

A Term/Project Paper is due focused on one of the following topics regarding operations management in a post-pandemic world. There are several options for projects.

Team Project: (up to 4 students per group) or Individual Project- Choose one below:

a. Industry Applied: Work with a company/organization to identify an operations-related opportunity and apply what you learn in the course.

b. Industry Applied: Bring a real - world operations-related opportunity from your own workplace and apply what you learn in the course to solve the problem.

c. Research Project: Choose an industry or company, summarize what is happening and offer recommendations to navigate the issues successfully to ensure longevity of their business. Answer the questions:

i. What risks are they facing with respect to inflation, COVID, labor, ems? What can they do to mitigate the risks? What happens to the supply chain? What happens to lead time? What happens with inventory? Are they projecting a stow crown in the back half of 2022 and why or why not? Predict what is going to happen to the world economy in the next 6 - 12 months for the company or industry.


Support all positions with ten recent sources within the last five years for the research paper. Ten resources are not required for the Industry Applied project. The resources must be a mix of refereed and practitioner articles in Business and Operations Management journals.
The project paper should be submitted (e-copy) on Blackboard during the last week of the semester per the due date. Follow the standard APA guidelines on the paper structure and format.

The Length of the paper is dependent on your content - quality matters more than quantity. Provide a well-researched and thoughtful paper. The best papers will provide

*Discussion Board - Project /Term Paper Proposal

Provide a short summary of your project or term paper as well as team members, if any. If you are working on an industry project, the post should contain the name of the company, what they make, name, title, and contact info of your company contact, date of your tour (if applicable), why you chose this company, and what are you will be potentially highlighting for improvement (No more than 200 words).

*Note: Need only Project Paper Proposal

Reference no: EM133074554

Questions Cloud

What amount will deductible as medical expense of Derrick : If the cost of installing swimming pool is $2,000 and the increase in the value of the residence is only $1,000. What amount will be deductible
Compute the break-even sales for the current year : Portmann Company, operating at full capacity, sold 1,000,000 units at a price of $190 per unit. Compute the break-even sales (units) for the current year
Determining the nir on the loan : You have just concluded the purchase of a new warehouse. To finance the purchase, you've arranged for a 20-year mortgage for 80 per cent of the $400,000 purchas
Professional development in family child care : Share the main findings of your review of the literature on your problem in professional practice (lack of professional development in Family Child Care).
Provide a short summary of your project : Provide a short summary of your project or term paper as well as team members, if any. If you are working on an industry project
What are the pros and cons of the lifesum app : What are the pros and cons of the LifeSum app? Does it provide an analysis of all the macro and micronutrients?
Determine the break-even point in sales units : Determine (a) the break-even point in sales units and (b) the break-even point if the selling price were increased to $79 per unit
Discuss briefly the process of transition : Discuss briefly the process of transition for a student who is approaching transition age. What must the educational system do for planning for this student?
Find the amount of interest that should be capitalized : During 2020, Glass Corporation constructed assets costing $1,000,000. Find the amount of interest that should be capitalized by Glass during 2020



1/27/2022 2:20:17 AM

I need your help in Operations management Course Work Topic like this above for reference. For initial approval submit initial topic approval content. I think it’s better if we avoid research paper option. But that’s upto you and writer which ever is confortable to you. If you need few more examples I can take screenshot and send it u now. For reference to writer please see below pictures:

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