Reference no: EM133709512
Database Systems
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to reinforce the lecture material and give students practice at applying Database design techniques, as well as providing a relational schema using DDL statements and relational DML statements to demonstrate sophisticated access of the Database to be built.
Group Assignment Case Study
This assessment will be completed in groups of 4 students. Groups will be formed within the first 2 weeks of class. Students will be expected to work within these groups for the remainder of the semester on the group case study. Each group will choose a particular type of Information System, research the storage requirements then design and build a possible database for that system. For instance, a group may choose a POS system for a supermarket, a small online savings bank, a stock management system for a financial firm etc. Each group should choose a different system. To ensure this uniqueness, each group must decide on a system and email their idea to their tutor within the first 3 weeks. Your tutor will respond with an approval or with a message that you will either need to choose a different system or your tutor may decide alter your idea slightly for you. Once it has been approved you should begin by working towards the first deliverable.
Requirement specification
In this part, your group need to provide an overview of the selected system, along with a specification of its requirements. These requirements need to directly relate to the tasks that you are required to do in the subsequent three parts.
Database ER Model
The ER Model represents the database structure you intend to build for the remainder of the group case study.
The ER model is to use the crows foot notation, and must represent the database you will build. It needs to represent a realistic depiction of the data requirements for the system you have chosen. I would expect there to be at least 8-10 tables in this ER model and perhaps more depending on the system you are building it for.
Database Schema DDL statements
For this assessment you are to create the Schema DDL statement to create your database. These should be placed in a script, and it is to be demonstrated in class to your tutor. You will need to run the script to show the creation of the database to your tutor. You will also need to submit the script through blackboard. The tables created in the script should be normalized to (and including) third normal form. Your tables should have all appropriate Primary and Foreign keys detailed as well as any appropriate constraints.
Sophisticated DML statements
In this component you will need to provide a script with appropriate SQL insert statements to insert the initial data into all your tables. This will be designed to be run after the database creation to insert the data so you can demonstrate the following component:
You are to construct a minimum of 5 SQL statements demonstrating a competency in SQL and sophisticated access to the data within your tables. At least 4 of your SQL statements must join multiple tables (Inner Join only is OK). You should also demonstrate a script to update and delete a record as well, taking care to maintain database integrity.
This will need to be demonstrated in class to your tutor, additionally, all the scripts need to be submitted to blackboard.
The amount of test data loaded into your system needs to be enough to demonstrate a good use of your SQL statements.