Provide a scatterplot of savings against remittances

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131291048

Read the article "The Effects of Remittances on Savings".In this project, you will try to "replicate" the results obtained in the article. You will use the "saving_final" excel file to do the following:

Part I

Provide a Summary Statistic table for all the variables in the File.

Provide a Histogram of your main quantitative variables (Saving, Remittances and Income).

Provide a Scatterplot of Savings against remittances.

Run a simple linear regression of savings as the dependent variable and remittances as the explanatory variable.

Run a multiple linear regression of savings as the dependent variables and remittances and the individual characteristic variables as explanatory variables.

Perform a residual analysis of your multiple regression model in order to check whether the 4 assumptions of Least Squares are met.

Create three new variables as the natural logarithm of Saving, Remittances and Income (i.e. Ln(S), Ln(R), and Ln(I)). Then, repeat steps (2) to (6) using the variables in natural logs.

Part II

In two pages, you will write a report describing your model and you results. Your report should include the following:

A brief summary of what you are trying to do (one paragraph at most).

You should explain the models that you will be estimating in the following way:

Y = b0+ b1X1 +?+ bnXn + ε

Interpret the results of the two multiple regressions in Part I (i.e. meaning and significance of coefficients, meaning of R-square, etc).
Comment on the validity of the models based on the residual analysis.


You will provide your report, which should be no more than two pages single spaced.

You will provide all the tables and graphs (Part I) in an appendix. Make sure you label all your graphs and tables.

Attachment:- Effects-of-remittances-on-saving-not-spaced.rar

Reference no: EM131291048

Questions Cloud

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Provide a scatterplot of savings against remittances : Provide a Summary Statistic table for all the variables in the File - Provide a Histogram of your main quantitative variables (Saving, Remittances and Income).
Create a synthetic call option and identify the cost : Explain how you would create a synthetic call option and identify the cost
How are quantitative and qualitative data analysis different : How are quantitative and qualitative data analysis different?- Describe the three steps in qualitative data analysis and explain how and why these steps are iterative.
What are the different kinds of data displays : What are the different kinds of data displays? Give some specific examples of how they may be used in qualitative data analysis.
Why should managers regularly monitor the bop of country : 1. Why should managers regularly monitor the BOP of the country in which their business operates? Use the USA and China as example for your response. Please cite your source.


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