Provide a recommendation for how the company improve

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Reference no: EM133359056

provide information on 12 specific groups and categories of diversity. Select 3 of these categories or groups to discuss. You may see a group or category that is not represented in your organization that you believe would offer benefit (consider customer relations - does your company have employees who look like their customers?). You may select a group or category you see in your organization but believe there is a lack of support or understanding by management regarding this group. You may also consider whether your company provides diversity training and offer a plan for how and why to add that to their training. Identify how hiring plans would include a strategy to attract a diverse population. The three selections should be relevant to your organization, and you should provide a recommendation for how the company could improve, train, hire, etc. in this category or group, and include a brief plan for implementation.

Reference no: EM133359056

Questions Cloud

Monitor team progress through the use : Establish and maintain trust through the use of communication technology - Maintain frequent communications, including virtual meetings
Discuss how you would ensure that this aspect : Which of the triple constraints do you think is the most important for the project of implementing an enterprise hiring system for MTC? You should address it
Explain how these values will guide you and your employees : stakeholder groups to facilitate ethical decision-making. Explain how these values will guide you and your employees in decision-making
Developing educational emphasis on with intent to populate : Construction sectors are worth investing in and developing educational emphasis on with the intent to populate those sectors with our talent?
Provide a recommendation for how the company improve : provide a recommendation for how the company could improve, train, hire, etc. in this category or group, and include a brief plan
Difference between shareholders and stakeholders : What is the main difference between shareholders and stakeholders? Which is most important to a business, and why?
Do you think the countries in the trading bloc you selected : Review the WTO and the regional trading agreements. Which do you think is more effective in promoting free trade, the global or regional cooperative agreements
Did the person who avoided paying tax do so properly : Do you have any experience with tax preparation or completing your own tax return? (Please keep personal financial details confidential.) What did you learn
Why are benefits strategically important to employers : Why are benefits strategically important to employers and what are some key strategic considerations? The benefits program of a large organization needs


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