Provide a prototype of website design and architecture

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Reference no: EM132307853 , Length: word count:3000

Website Design and Modeling

This assessment relates to unit learning outcomes 2, and 3 stated in the e-unit profile.

Assessment 2 is a group assessment. You are required to form a group of maximum four students. In assessment 2, your group is assigned tasks which assess your group unit knowledge gained between weeks 6 and 11 about different facets of systems design. This is a group assignment. Only one member will submit the file. Member who is submitting the assignment will collect all members' contributions towards this assessment and will merge all files in one document and upload it on Moodle platform.

The tasks

Your group is required to design and develop a prototype of Hospital Information System as described in the case study. Your group is required to submit a report on Moodle of the tasks undertaken. Report should follow and must include following tasks 1-10. Students are required to submit the designed prototype. To design and develop HIS, your group is required to perform following tasks.

• Task 1: Introduction of the report.

• Task 2: Find out all Critical Use Cases for the HIS you are developing: Use case is a list of actions or event steps typically defining the interactions between a role (known in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as an actor) and a system to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or other external system.

• Task 3: Draw Context Level diagram for HIS: This is a diagram that defines the boundary between the system, or part of a system, and its environment, showing the entities that interact with it. This diagram is a high level view of a system. You are required to show all identified external entities.

• Task 4: Draw Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided.

• Task 5: Draw ERD showing all required entities and its relationships.

• Task 6: Draw CRUD diagram. Identify and provide all the required data elements you will need for your data entities for the case study provided.

• Task 7: Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study.

• Task 8: Details of individual group members' contribution towards the development of the project. Individual group member need to discuss how this project can be done using DevOps. What benefits DevOps can bring to this system development?

• Task 9: Conclusion and Summary.

• Task 10: Presentation. During week 11, there will be a presentation based on the case study.

Presentation requirements:
Students are required to present the website design in the designated tutorial time during week 11. Students need to specify the advantages and disadvantages of tools they have used to develop the website design. The website design is a prototype. Students are not required to implement the design. No Database connectivity is required. Students can choose some default value for the label and text field they are using in the design. Students should click the photographs and images they would like or wish to display on the website. Students may use photographs/ images from the web but they are required to reference it properly.

Attachment:- Case study Designing Hospital Information Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132307853

Questions Cloud

Discuss how managers use cvp analysis : Cost-volume-profit analysis, or CVP, is something companies use to figure out how changes in costs and volume affect their operating expenses and net income.
Introduce the idea of politics-administration dichotomy : Unfortunately, public administration is intertwined with politics and the idea of federalism. "The two have had a reciprocal effect on one another.
Briefly discuss four types of organizational budgets : Shrewdly designed budgets assist businesses leaders with awareness of expenditures and managing resources. Businesses use a variety of budgets to measure their.
How important do you feel role emotional intelligence plays : How important do you feel the role emotional intelligence plays in employee performance? Which of the four dimensions of emotional intelligence do you struggle.
Provide a prototype of website design and architecture : Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study - What benefits DevOps can bring to this system development
Compare the biological and psychological theories : List and describe the five general problems with the Positivist Theories. Be detailed in your answer.
Describe buying on margin : Describe the differences among the following three types of orders: market, limit, and stop loss. Why is it illegal to trade on insider information?
The majority opinion in the virginia case : Discuss your reasons for why you agree or disagree with both the majority opinion in the Virginia case and Justice Scalia's dissent.
Is the death penalty needed : Is the death penalty needed? Should it remain or be abolished. Watch the video and then give me your thoughts on this very important issue.



5/17/2019 12:53:53 AM

Marks Allocated Marks Requirements Stay on Topic 10 The presentation is on-topic and does not go on tangents. Marks will be lost for spending too much time on non-related material. Fulfil requirements of topic 25 The requirements of the chosen topic are met and provided for. Studets get marks for ensuring that all of the aspects of their topic are covered. Slide Style 7.5 use text, images, videos and other resources, to create an impactful presentation. Presentation style 7.5 The presenter is confident, The report is well presented, with diagrams, headings, and tables . Total 50 0


5/17/2019 12:53:46 AM

Details of individual group members’ contribution towards the development of the project. Individual group member need to discuss how this project can be done using DevOps. 5 What benefits DevOps can bring to this system development? 5 Conclusion and summary  5 Presentation 45 0 Total 100 0


5/17/2019 12:53:38 AM

Topic Marks Introduction 5 Find Out All Critical Use Cases 5 Context Level Diagram 5 Level 0 Diagram 5 ERD showing All Entities & Relationships 5 CRUD Diagram 5 Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study 10


5/17/2019 12:53:18 AM

• Introduction (5 Marks) • Find out all Critical Use Cases (5 Marks) • Draw Context Level diagram. (5 Marks) • Draw Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided. (5 Marks) • Draw ERD showing all required entities and its relationships. (5) • Draw CRUD diagram. (5 Marks) • Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study. (10 Marks) • Details of individual group members contribution towards the development of the project. Individual group member need to discuss how this project can be done using DevOps. What benefits DevOps can bring to this software development? (10 Marks) • Conclusion and summary (5 Marks) • Presentation (45 Marks)

Write a Review

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