Provide a product example appropriate for a supply chain

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131529841

Assignment: Supply Chain Management

For this assignment, you are to use the text, the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet to research supply chain management. Prepare an instructional Microsoft PowerPoint presentation geared toward middle managers for a management development workshop on supply chain management. Cover the following in your presentation:

o Differentiate between the concept of logistics management and supply chain management, including the relationship of each to the concept of the value-added chain.

o Describe the differences between physically efficient and market responsive supply chains.

o Provide a product example appropriate for a physically efficient supply chain and explain why that type of supply chain is better suited to the product.

o Provide a product example appropriate for a market responsive supply chain and explain why that type of supply chain is better suited to the product.

o Define each of the three properties of a Triple-A supply chain system and explain suggestions on how to achieve each of those properties.

Develop a 10 to 15 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. The presentation must include at least one chart or graph. Speaker notes covering explanations and/or supporting material must be included on all of the slides. Apply APA standards for writing style to the speaker notes.

Reference no: EM131529841

Questions Cloud

Do you think stafford gives enough : Do you think Stafford gives enough examples to show that Turkle's evidence is not representative of people's experiences with technology
Why was the ethic of critique important in this situation : What are the human resource responsibilities of a board of directors? Why was the Ethic of Critique important in this situation
How do accounting exposure and economic exposure differ : What are the differences between a foreign currency orientation and a V.5. dollar orientation regarding the translation of foreign currency operations?
What does the term junctional currency mean : Why did SFAS No.8 present an enormous problem in the area of eco-. monic consequences?
Provide a product example appropriate for a supply chain : Provide a product example appropriate for a market responsive supply chain and explain why that type of supply chain is better suited to the product.
What is the relationship between the ifac and iasc : Compare the true and fair View of the United Kingdom the present fairly outlook of the United States; and the legalistic View of the continental model.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for a health plan : What are the advantages and disadvantages for a health plan in using a PBM to manage its pharmacy services
Develop windows excel spreadsheet to design simple gap table : Develop a Windows Excel spreadsheet to design a simple GAP table and interactive graph for the Sales department.
Description of modern economic systems : Think about the way in which capitalism is portrayed in The Good Woman of Setzuan. Do you think Brecht gives a fair description of modern economic systems


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