Provide a problem-topic example, that is three-words-or-less

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133452643


1) Provide a problem-topic example, that is three-words-or-less.

2) Provide a speech-thesis example, fifteen-words or less, clearly declaring the topic. You could use the topic you intend to speak about, or if you have yet to discover a topic, you could use anything as an example, as long as it is a problem! Please do not do a topic that is related to global warming, obesity, the death penalty, prison over crowding, AIDS, gun control, etc., etc Pick something fun and interesting.

Reference no: EM133452643

Questions Cloud

What cognitive developmental approach : What Cognitive Developmental Approach makes the most sense to you and why? Give specific examples (include detail) of this theory in your own life.
What is multicultural education : What is multicultural education? Why is it important for teachers to be aware of its effects? How a transformative learning environment allows
Are standardized tests fair : Are standardized tests fair? Why or why not? What are some factors that may affect a person's performance on such a test?
Describe experience within your community : Describe an experience within your community related to one or more of the eight dimensions of wellness in which bias had an impact.
Provide a problem-topic example, that is three-words-or-less : Provide a problem-topic example, that is three-words-or-less. Provide a speech-thesis example, fifteen-words or less, clearly declaring the topic.
What ethical considerations would apply to sale of gun : What ethical considerations would apply to the sale of guns in your store? If Congress had not passed the pertinent statute.
What is your idea of healthy masculinity : What is your idea of "healthy masculinity?" What active steps can you take today in order to encourage healthy attitudes around masculinity at all levels
Different uses of facebook and social capital : Based on the findings of Ellison, Steinfeld and Lampe (2011), discuss the relationship between different uses of Facebook and social capital.
What stands out to you about this show and this performance : Discuss IN DETAIL all the various aspects of theatre that you have studied about being used (costume design, lighting design, set design, makeup and hair design


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