Provide a problem-solving process to properly identify

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133536045

PPT Problem

Imagine you are the leader of the design department in a growing organization in a high-tech industry. Over the past three months, the sales in the organization have declined due to poor design and software malfunctions and your department has been identified as part of the problem. As the department leader, you want to involve your team in identifying and solving any problems within your department.

Using the reference below, readings, videos, and your personal experience, prepare a presentation to your team. Provide a problem-solving process to properly identify and potentially solve the problems. Justify why you believe the approaches are best for the department.

Your well-crafted presentation must include 8 to 9 slides (not including the title and reference slides) and audio. Include at least 4 credible references. You may use the readings in the module; however, you must include two additional sources.

The following resources have been provided. Use them for review and/or incorporate them into this project as cited references.

1) Hallo, L., Nguyen, T., Gorod, A., & Tran, P. (2020). Effectiveness of leadership decision-making in complex systems. Systems, 8(1), 1D.

2) Motlaghzadeh, K., Kerachian, R., & Tavvafi, A. (2020). An evidential reasoning-based leader-follower game for hierarchical multi-agent decision making under uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 591, N.PAG.

3) Armstrong , L. (2020, November 13). What are the 5 steps of problem solving? Your guide with examples. MindManager.

Reference no: EM133536045

Questions Cloud

What criteria should be used to decide technology developed : What criteria should be used to decide whether the technology should ultimately be developed, and your recommendations relative to the value of the technology.
How do the current anti-psychotics work on the brain : Discuss the similarities and differences of the three generations of anti-psychotic medications. How do the current anti-psychotics work on the brain?
Where can you implement change necessary for upgrade : You have burned your Windows 10 ISO image to a DVD. When you use the DVD to install the OS on your laptop, the system boots normally, bypassing the DVD.
What is both positive and negative punishment : What is both positive and negative punishment. How they are similar and how they are different in your definitions. What are two real-world, detailed examples
Provide a problem-solving process to properly identify : Provide a problem-solving process to properly identify and potentially solve the problems. Justify why you believe the approaches are best for the department.
What are the challenges for patients caregivers health : What are the challenges for patients/caregivers/health providers/health systems when aggressive life-sustaining care is offered to patients with severe life
Discuss a conference management system : Consider the following requirements of a Conference Management System (CMS) expressed by a staff during a system analysis session.
Discuss three broad topical domains of health policy : Discuss three broad topical domains of health policy and law. For example, Healthcare Policy and Law, Public Health Policy and Law, and Bioethics.
How to engage in collaborative practice to advocate for : A discussion of the relationship of culturally relevant research to the promotion of social justice for the group you are studying. Identify how to engage


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