Provide a method definition for the setred method

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132430574

In many languages (including Java), you can form a color by specifying certain amounts of red, green, and blue, with each color's amount ranging from 0% to 100%.

In the following Rgb and RgbDriver class skeletons, replace the <insert...> lines with appropriate code such that the program operates properly. More specifically:

  1. In the Rgb class, provide a method definition for the setRed method such that setRed can be called as part of a method-call chain.
  2. In the RgbDriver class, provide a single statement that chains calls to the setRed, setGreen, setBlue, and display For your method-call arguments, pass 100 to setRed, 60 to setGreen, and 100 to setBlue. With those argument values, your method-call-chaining statement should print this:
rgb(100%, 60%, 100%)


public class Rgb
 private int red;
 private int green;
 private int blue;
  <insert setRed method definition here>
 public Rgb setGreen(int green)
 { = green;
   return this;
 } // end setGreen
public Rgb setBlue(int blue)
 { = blue;
   return this;
 } // end setBlue
public void display()
   System.out.printf("rgb(%d%%, %d%%, %d%%)n",,,;
 } // end display
} // end Rgb class

public class RgbDriver
 public static void main(String[] args)
   Rgb rgb = new Rgb();
    <insert chained method calls here><br/  }
} // end RgbDriver class?font>

Reference no: EM132430574

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