Provide a literature review of how vlan can be used

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131074736

Task 1:

ACL (Access Control List) is basically list of conditions to regulate network traffic. Applying access list makes the router analyze every packet passing through the interface. Appropriate use of access list, provides immense advantages in a network. However, manuals and textbooks offer very little information about how ACLs are actually used in practice. As a network engineer, you have been assigned the task of providing a detailed report on the following aspects of ACL usage in enterprise networks

- Solve security issues with ACL
- Context-based access control
- How extended ACL differ from Time-based ACL

Task 2:

VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) is used to logically segment group of devices. VLAN enables these devices to communicate as if they are in the same physical medium, although located in different LAN segments. As a network administrator provide a literature review of how VLAN can be used in different scenarios to enhance the security of a network. The student is expected to review at least two research articles.

Evaluation Criteria:

The evaluation will be done on the strength of analysis presented in the assignment:
- Assignment work proposal submission:

Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before, which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to all the tasks
- Resources identified

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment:

- The document should not be more than 15 to 20 pages in (size A4) paper.

- The document should be well presented and neatly done.

- Assignment should be computer typed using Calibri size 12 font and the Softcopy is to be submitted through Moodle(Turnitin).

- Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline

- Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic.

- Copy paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable.

- In-text citation and referencing using CU Harvard referencing Style.

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Reference no: EM131074736

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