Provide a list of pgp certificates of trusted authors using

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133324482

Assignemnt: java or python

Develop your application. The first component of the application (server) can sign and provide a list of PGP certificates of trusted authors using the pair's X.509 private key (broadcastlist), and can provide a document and its signature which was created by the author with its PGP private key (broadcastdoc). The second component of the application (client) can receive a list of trusted authors's PGP certificates and verify the authenticity of the list using the pair's X.509 certificate (receivechecklist) and can receive a broadcasted document and its signature and verify the authenticity the signature checking that the document was signed by an author among the list of trusted authors (receivecheckdoc). The components should first be implemented as two command line tools taking the operation name and name of local files as arguments.


Reference no: EM133324482

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