Provide a discussion of masculinity and drinking in the era

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131522916

1. Provide a discussion of masculinity and drinking in the post-prohibition era. Use the reading by Campbell on "Ladies and Escorts," Heron's "The Boys and their Booze," and Glen Mofford's article on the Ingraham Hotel Beer Parlour to answer this question.

2. What did you learn about the history of medicine by studying the history of drink and drugs. Use the work by Daniel Malleck, Greg Marquis' "From Beverage to Drug" and Erika Dyck on LSD to answer this question.

3. How are ideas about alcohol different in the late twentieth century from what they were in the late nineteenth century?

Use Marquis' work "Alcohol and the Family" and "From Beverage to Drug" and Glenn Mofford on the Ingraham Hotel for your discussion. What are some of the most important continuities?

each question about 300-450words and each question need 3 readings

Reference no: EM131522916

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