Provide a description of the case you will be researching

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131522944


Annotated Bibliography

Under the Final Paper tab in this classroom, determine which case you will be researching for your Final Paper. Provide a description of the case you will be researching.

Then, find at least six scholarly sources that are connected with the ethical dilemma and/or case-related content that you will be using to complete your Final Paper. Provide an annotated bibliography of these six (or more) sources.

Your annotated bibliography must contain the following elements (and possibly more):

• APA-formatted citations

• A description of the article:

• What does it address?

• What were the outcomes or conclusions?

• How does this apply to your case study analysis?

• Does it provide insights into an ethical concept?

• Is it a similar case to the one you are analyzing?

• Does it offer suggestions from best practices in ethical decision making?

Your paper should be at least two pages in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style.


Stark Law

Case Study: Review this scenario:

Two physicians, Dr. S. and Dr. V., leased a nuclear camera so they would no longer have to refer their patients to the local hospital for nuclear imaging. Faced with the prospect of losing over a third of its $2,274,094 in annual gross nuclear medicine revenues, the hospital responded by threatening to revoke the doctors' admitting privileges.

Lengthy negotiations ensued, at the end of which the hospital agreed to sublease the camera from the two physicians; the camera remained at the physicians' offices but other physicians with privileges at the hospital could use it.

Four other local physicians who provided the same or similar services to patients as Dr. S. and Dr. V. brought a qui tam action alleging that the sublease violated the Anti-Kickback and Stark Acts and that the defendants falsely certified compliance with those laws in connection with claims submitted to Medicare in violation of the False Claims Act.

(Please note: This is an actual court case and an Internet search may uncover the actual case details. You are prohibited from utilizing any source materials associated with this case.

Use of any related materials will result in a reduction of points on this assignment. This assignment is being graded on your ability to critically think-on your own recognizance-based on your comprehension of the knowledge provided in this week's learning materials.)

Instructions: Carefully review research Stark Law. Given this scenario, analyze whether the actions of Dr. S. and Dr. V. violated Stark Law. Provide solid evidence supporting your decision by utilizing information from scholarly resources as well as the law itself.

Your paper must be two to three pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages; include at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook; and be written in APA format.

Reference no: EM131522944

Questions Cloud

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Write a Review

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