Provide a critical evaluation of the nominated website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131626287 , Length: 2500 Words

Responsive Web Design (RWD) Written Assessment

Select and undertake an in-depth evaluation of the following website:

Website: makezine

Upon the completion of the task, you are to provide a formal report documenting your critical evaluation of the website. The review is to be carried out within the context of responsive web design (RWD) and development principles. The report should draw particular attention to the interactive aspects and design aspects relating to responsiveness of the overall website. Support your critique with appropriate RWD principles.

What to Review

The purpose of the report is to provide a critical evaluation of the nominated website and to support your observations and comments convincingly. The nominated website should be reviewed using Google Chrome's device simulator. For the purpose and intention of this assessment, use only the device simulator for your reviews. This is to ensure that all students have access to consistent and identical review tools.

Your review of the nominated website must be thorough and sufficiently comprehensive to include 5 different screen displays. The recommended settings are as follows. Students are free to select the different simulated device (in the Chrome device simulator) they would like to use for the reviews.

(1) Large Display

Generic notebook or desktop with display greater than 1280x768 pixels.

(2) Medium Display

Any mobile device with display approximately 480x640 to 700x960 pixels, in both landscape and portrait orientation.

(3) Tiny display

Any mobile device with display approximately 200x320 to 400x640 pixels, in both landscape and portrait orientation.

What to Include

Your report should include:

(1) Clearly identify the nominated website. Provide an overview and description of the nominated website.

(2) Identify and elaborate the main feature or features of the website.

(3) Identify the positive and negative aspects of the website. Draw particular attention to the interaction and usability aspects of the interface.

(4) Invite two other persons to review the nominated website. All reviewers should use identical device settings. These participants can be your friends, family members or classmates etc. Provide the background (i.e. age, gender, profession) of the participants. Do their views differ from yours'? State why or why not.

(5) Based upon your critique and observation in items (1) to (4) of the above, provide a recommendation on how the website should be improved. Conversely, if it does not require further improvement, then provide the reason why that this is the case.

(6) Except for item (4) of the above, all assertions relating to RWD design principles (e.g. statements like 'blue text on red background is a poor colour combination') must be supported by references or critical observation. You can cite additional scholarly references other than the textbook. (Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a source of reference).

(7) Comment on the tools (i.e. Chrome device simulator) you used for the review. Elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of such a tool. Search and briefly comment on similar tools available for testing and reviewing RWD web pages.

(8) Figures or diagrams can be added as needed.

Format of Report

For the purpose of this written assessment you are assumed to be a postgraduate student capable of producing a high quality report. As such, you should attempt at your best to reflect this quality in the preparation of the written assessment. As a minimum, the report should contain the following, but not limited to:

(1) Introduction - State the purpose and objectives of the report.

(2) Discussion - Build your arguments into a cohesive thread, presenting your observations and findings that you have collated from section (1) to (4) from 'What to Include' section.

(3) Recommendation - This is the section where you present your recommendations.

(4) Conclusion - Summarise your findings, consolidating and drawing attention to the main points of the report.

(5) References.

(6) Number of words: 3,000 (maximum) number of words. Your word count should include figure captions and references.

Reference no: EM131626287

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9/4/2017 6:30:46 AM

The following criteria will be used to assess the quality of your report: Review and Evaluation: Overview and description. (3 marks) Identify and elaborate main features. (6 marks) Identify the positive and negative aspects. (6 marks) Reviews and comments from two other participants. (6 marks) Recommendation on improvements to be made, or otherwise. (6 marks) Demonstrates that in-depth evaluation have been undertaken. (3 marks). Relevance to Principles of RWD: Arguments and assertions are sound. (6 marks) Arguments and assertions are supported by RWD principles. (6 marks) Arguments are developed consistently and logically. (6 marks) Demonstrates understanding of the RWD subject matter and applying this competently to the review. (12 marks)


9/4/2017 6:30:39 AM

Simulation Software Tool Used for Review - Advantages and disadvantages of simulation tool used in the review of RWD web pages. (10 marks) Comment on similar tools available for testing and reviewing RWD web pages. (10 marks) Presentation: Report professionally presented. (2 marks) Grammar, spelling, written style and expression (2 marks) Citation and references. (3 marks) Overall presentation. (3 marks).


9/4/2017 6:30:32 AM

To obtain 76-100% of the marks allocated for a specific section of the assessment, the student’s work is expected to demonstrate a very high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of knowledge within the scope of the course.

Write a Review

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