Provide a complete program that performs substitution cipher

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13757891

Provide a complete program that performs a simple substitution cipher. The program should take plain text and a shift value and produce the encrypted text. Then it should take encrypted text and a shift value and produce the plain text once again. A different encrypted text and shift can be entered so make sure to get input.


EASTER shifted by 3 to left would become HDVWHU

HWVDHU shifted by 3 to right would become EASTER

This is how the early Caesar Cipher worked.

Provide a main method. It should:

Get input for a string and a shift value

Convert to upper case

Only perform the following items on alphabetic characters between A and Z

Utilize a for loop which uses postfix incrementing operator

Convert character to its ASCII equivalent (type cast)

Shift buy shift value entered above

If you reach end of alphabet, wrap around

Example: A shifted to the left 2 would become Y

Convert back to its character equivalent (type cast)

Output the new character

Get input for a string and a shift value

Perform same steps above to convert the encrypted text back to plain text

Be sure to get input again as a different encrypted text may be entered

Utilize postfix increment/decrement operations and compound assignment operators for all math. Example: x++ or x+=2.


Mimic the sample session precisely.

Reference no: EM13757891

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