Provide a company overview and a pest analysis

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131468920

Unit I Research Project Marketing Plan In application of the concepts learned in this course, you will research an EXISTING publicly traded company compiling a comprehensive marketing plan for this company throughout the course. Note that this is NOT a hypothetical entrepreneurial venture but instead an existing publicly traded company, of your choice.

Utilizing the CSU Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company.

In Unit I you will provide a Company Overview and a PEST Analysis. Company Overview This section will provide the reader with a general understanding of the company and product/service offered by the company creating the value proposition for the customer.

You might include general information about the company and industry and product/service. Additional general information might include the size of company, location, NAISC code, mission/vision/objectives, or any other general information about the company. PEST Analysis The purpose of this section of the marketing plan is to describe how changes in the business environment will affect the company.

This will be achieved by the use of the PEST Analysis, which attempts to review how changes in the political/legal environment will affect your company, how changes in the economic environment will affect the company, how changes in the socio-cultural environment will affect your company, and finally, how changes (advancements) in technology will affect your company.

Your submission should be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced with a reference page and title page. References should include at least one additional, credible reference beyond the textbook.

All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Include the use of subheadings (this week consider using Company Overview and PEST Analysis).

To determine the company you would like to research you may want to do a general search for "existing publicly traded company" or "publicly traded company list". If you have questions about what a publicly traded company is or if the company you have chosen will work for this assignment please reach out to your professor. If you need assistance with utilizing the CSU Online Library, please reach out to the CSU Online Library and a Librarian will assist you.

Reference no: EM131468920

Questions Cloud

What are the entering and leaving arcs : Consider the following tree solution for a minimum cost network flow problem: As usual, bold arcs represent arcs on the spanning tree, numbers next to the bold.
How many minutes were devoted to advertising : How many minutes were devoted to advertising? How were these ads distributed throughout the hour?
How customers make purchasing decisions : Identify the factors that would influence how and why someone would purchase a laptop or a new home? What is the most important factor in your opinion?
Implementation of a student management system : Process Documentation for the Implementation of a Student Management System
Provide a company overview and a pest analysis : provide a Company Overview and a PEST Analysis. Company Overview This section will provide the reader with a general understanding of the company.
Compare the widths of the confidence intervals : Interpret the results and compare the widths of the confidence intervals. If? convenient, use technology to construct the confidence intervals.
Proportion of us college students : Now we will use the data collected from our class as a sample that will be used to estimate the proportion of US college students who like horror movies.
The emergence of solar panels in the middle east : Research at least one market that the experts say will be the next top prospect for international trade. Provide background on why the market was chosen .
Compute dual slacks for each nontree arc : Consider the following network flow problem: Numbers shown above the nodes are supplies (negative values represent demands) and numbers shown above the arcs.


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