Provide a clear and concise thesis statement

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Reference no: EM133546711

Question: Provide a clear and concise thesis statement that includes a solution to the global societal issue.

Can you help me provide a clear and concise thesis statement on lack of education.

Reference no: EM133546711

Questions Cloud

Draw short-term marketing and advertising plan for yourself : Draw up a short-term marketing and advertising plan for yourself to meet your monthly targets set by your principal property practitioner.
What your thoughts related to report that billy is providing : Sales professional billy visited with a key target today. his meeting lasted. What are your thoughts related to the report that billy is providing?
What was the justification given for why a shirt made : What was the justification (reason) given for why a shirt made for Walmart was being produced in a factory that was placed?
Write about strategies that will enhance customer experience : Write a 250 words about a strategies that will enhance our customer experience in the cup cake shop (can be online as well)?
Provide a clear and concise thesis statement : Provide a clear and concise thesis statement that includes a solution to the global societal issue. Can you help me provide a clear and concise thesis
What are the way you interact with brands : What are the way you interact with brands and what you have come to expect from brands? How can you attract customers who do not buy into your brand's equity?
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Does artificial intelligence have negative impact : Does artificial intelligence have negative impact on high school learning? can it encourage cheating on tests?
Creative and thought provoking way : Think about composition, positive and negative space, focal point/s, flow, repetition etc. In other words, convey your ideas and intentions in the most creative


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