Provide a brief summary of your analyses

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13501719

1-Industry Analysis

Describe the nature of the banking industry of your assigned country

Describe the major competitors

Describe the opportunities and threats of the banking industry of your assigned country Identify the future expectations about the banking industry of your assigned country

2-Bank Analysis

Calculate the following ratios for the country's biggest bank and its main competitor for 2011-2013

1 Tier 1 capital ratio

2. Total capital ratio

3. Equity ratio

4. Loan loss reserve ratio

5. Nonperforming loan ratio

6. Return on average assets

7. Return on average equity

8. Net loan ratio


Provide a brief summary of your analyses and comment on the future prospects of the bank. Would you recommend an investor to purchase the shares of that bank?

Verified Expert

Reference no: EM13501719

Questions Cloud

Explain the tax treatments : Determine the Hong Kong salaries tax liability of Mr Ma for the year of assessment 2011/12, making the best election where appropriate. Ignore provisional salaries tax and tax reduction or waiver.
Find the velocity of the second object after the collision : Moving to the right is postive. A 9.1 g object moving to the right at 17 cm/s makes an elastic head on collision with a 20 g object moving in the opposite direction at 19 cm/s. Find the velocity of the second object after the collision
Find out the molality of a solution prepared : Determine the molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 0.500 moles of caF in 11.5 moles H2o
Determine the assessable profits of kwong fai co. ltd : Except for $2,000 which was used for purchase of raffle tickets, the others were made to various approved charitable organizations without consideration. The raffle tickets were used for lucky draw by the general staff during the annual dinner.
Provide a brief summary of your analyses : Provide a brief summary of your analyses and comment on the future prospects of the bank. Would you recommend an investor to purchase the shares of that bank?
Evaluate the mass % in the soulution the density : A solution is prepared by dissolving 49.3 g of of KBr in enough water to form 473 mkof solution. calculate the mass % in the soulutionif the density is 1.12 g/mL
What frequency is monitored by the leading ship : Two ships are moving along a line due east. The trailing vessel has a speed of 16 km/h relative to a land-based observation point, What frequency is monitored by the leading ship
Find which is noise level of a loud indoor rock concert : A point source emits sound waves with a power output of 120 W. At what distance will the decibel reading be 140 dB, which is noise level of a loud indoor rock concert
Explain mass solution of cucl2 in water : what mass of cucl2 is contained in 75.85 g of a 22.4% by mass solution of cucl2 in water


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