Provide a brief summary of the target firm

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132354558

Merger & Acquisition Assignment Amazon

1. Each group member is to identify a unique acquisition that was completed within the past year. Permission from the instructor is required to study an acquisition older than one year. ‘Claim' your acquisition with a post in the assignment's group discussion board.

Write a 500 to 1,000 word synopsis of the transaction in paragraph form. At a minimum, your synopsis must address each of the below topics.

You must also include a reference page that includes a minimum of three sources that are cited using APA. The reference page does not count towards the word limit. Your synopsis should be submitted in the group discussion board so that your group members can read your research.

a. Provide a brief summary of the target firm and acquiring firm involved in the transaction.

b. Was the transaction a merger or a consolidation? Explain.

c. Was the transaction a horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate acquisition? Explain.

d. Was the transaction funded with cash, stock, or both? What was the total value of the acquisition (i.e. how much did it cost the acquiring firm)? Explain.

e. What was the stock price reaction for the target firm and the acquiring firm when the deal was first announced? We know how mergers affect the value of target firms and acquiring firms on average. Was this transaction consistent with the average change in values? Explain.

f. Was the transaction friendly or hostile? Explain. If it was hostile, what takeover defenses did the target firm employ? Explain.

g. What were the stated synergies that the acquisition was supposed to achieve? Classify each stated synergy as one or more of the following: marketing gains, strategic benefits, market power, economy of scale, economy of vertical integration, technology transfer, complementary resources, elimination of inefficient management, tax gains from net operating losses, tax gains from debt capacity, tax gains from surplus funds, and reduced capital requirements.

Attachment:- Assignment Merger Acqusition Amazon.rar

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This assignment contains information in relation to the acquisition of Whole foods market by Amazon Inc.The effect of the acquisition on the stock of both the companies is also explained in detail.The synergy benefits that are being received by Amazon Inc. are also clearly specified in order to provide the detailed explanation

Reference no: EM132354558

Questions Cloud

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What is joe monthly payment : Joe Levi bought a home in Arlington, Texas, for $132,000. He put down 30% and obtained a mortgage for 30 years at 5%.



8/8/2019 11:12:51 PM

Please read carefully the assignment titled "Mod7 Assignment Merger & Acquisition"word document and follow the instruction write a synopsis by answering the a-g questions. Write it in word document this is a acquisition study of the financial statement will be attached to the message box and the article link will be on this box. Please read the article above just for reference. I need 2 more reference apart from this so please just provide it. I need this paper by August 10 am eastern time to be done.

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