Provide a brief summary of the business strategy

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Reference no: EM131670871


This major individual assignment requires students to choose an ASX200 company. As the CIO of this enterprise, your role is to assess technology trends and suggest to the other directors ways to strategically leverage IT. We call these ITOs (IT Opportunities). CIOs can leverage the trends towards social (Social CRM), mobile (mobile apps and m-commerce), big data (personalisation, efficiency, fraud detection etc.) and cloud (cost saving, agility, consumerisation of IT) to propose innovative pilot projects and tactics to improve efficiency. This assignment requires students to analyse and assess current ITOs and suggest possible new ITOs for future investigation. The students are to conclude as to how effectively the enterprise leverages ITOs.

Provide your answers to the following questions in a report format. No need for Executive Summary or Table of Contents. Just have a cover sheet and THREE sections as stipulated below. Your report is not to exceed 4,000 words or 8 pages. Include a word count in your cover sheet.

Make sure that you reference your work. Cambridge is preferred to Harvard.

1. Provide a brief summary of the business strategy of your chosen company. How have they performed in recent years? How important is IT to their business strategy?

2. Describe THREE (3) recent successful ITOs (going back no more than 5 years). For each summarise the business case and why you deem that it was successful.

3. Use your imagination and propose THREE (3) future ITOs. Have a look at local and overseas competition and market trends. What do the analysts say about market trends for the sector? For each ITO provide a summary business case. Sell your concepts!

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The paper is in relation to various business strategies adopted by companies for enhancing the business performance. There are many changes in technologies that are adopted so as to meet the demands of the competitive world. Moreover, their is analysis of future technologies that could be adopted by companies for meeting their needs and demands.

Reference no: EM131670871

Questions Cloud

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Provide a brief summary of the business strategy : ITEC842: Enterprise Management - Provide a brief summary of the business strategy of your chosen company. How have they performed in recent years?
What is the probability that nine or more say yes : The Wall Street Journal reported some interesting statistics on the job market. One statistic is that 40% of all workers say they would change jobs.
Develop the kinds of intellectual tools that will help : Develop the kinds of intellectual tools that will help them deal with the educational issues of today as well as in the years ahead. Do you agree or disagree.
Involved in charitable fundraising : Peer Review Committee, but also by those involved in charitable fundraising, which supports hospital development
Probability of the number of consumers : An increasing number of consumers believe they have to look out for themselves in the marketplace. According to a survey conducted by the Yankelovich Partners.



2/14/2018 1:24:41 AM

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1/2/2018 4:13:12 AM

This is a post graduate assignment requiring same standard. This assignment covers 40% score of the entire course. Question one says' *Provide a brief summary of the business strategy of your chosen company. How have they performed in recent years? How important is IT to their business strategy? 1. it is requesting for brief summary of a company in the top 200 ASX, they have performed in recent years? important is IT to their business? *Describe THREE (3) recent successful ITOs (going back no more than 5 years). For each summarise the business case and why you deem that it was successful. Where is the business case? where is the reason why the business succeeded? *Use your imagination and propose THREE (3) future ITOs. Have a look at local and overseas competition and market trends. What do the analysts say about market trends for the sector? For each ITO provide a summary business case. Sell your concepts. what concept have you sold in the solution? I demand this is done hypothetically. You have to justify reason why i gave this assignment to you in the first place. convince me with outstanding solution before the lecturer looks into the job.


1/2/2018 4:09:03 AM

This is a post graduate assignment requiring same standard. This assignment covers 40% score of the entire course. Question one says' *Provide a brief summary of the business strategy of your chosen company. How have they performed in recent years? How important is IT to their business strategy? 1. it is requesting for brief summary of a company in the top 200 ASX, they have performed in recent years? important is IT to their business? *Describe THREE (3) recent successful ITOs (going back no more than 5 years). For each summarise the business case and why you deem that it was successful. Where is the business case? where is the reason why the business succeeded? *Use your imagination and propose THREE (3) future ITOs. Have a look at local and overseas competition and market trends. What do the analysts say about market trends for the sector? For each ITO provide a summary business case. Sell your concepts. what concept have you sold in the solution? I demand this is done hypothetically. You have to justify reason why i gave this assignment to you in the first place. convince me with outstanding solution before the lecturer looks into the job.


10/7/2017 1:27:28 AM

I have attached copy of the assignment for you. kindly follow all rules and instructions step by step as instructed in the question. Please ensure this assignment is given to a competent instructor as i wont accept any shabby solution from expertsmind. I will not condone failure on this assignment.


10/7/2017 1:27:17 AM

Element Excellent to Good (20) Pass (10) Incomplete (5) Technical ? Clarity of expression, correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling – excellent in all areas ? Easily readable and consistent format ? Clarity of expression, correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling - some difficulties determining meaning, some errors ? Format is readable but has some inconsistencies ? Poor clarity of expression, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling – limited readability; requires many corrections/further explanation ? Very poor formatting and consistency


10/7/2017 1:27:10 AM

Marking Criteria You will be marked according to the following criteria, with a final mark out of 100: Element Excellent to Good (80) Pass (40) Incomplete (20) Q1. Business Background And Q2. Historical ITOs And Q3. Future ITOs • Demonstrates high level of understanding of key concepts • Skillfully organises description of ITOs • Provides sound conclusions and recommendations ? Demonstrates some understanding of key concepts ? Organises description of ITOs in a reasonable manner with some inconsistencies ? Provides reasonable conclusions with room for improvement ? Demonstrates little understanding of key concepts ? Little organisation used to describe ITOs; shows poor application of concepts ? Includes an incomplete analysis ? Provides an incomplete series of recommendations

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