Provide a brief re-cap summary of the new product

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131372313

Marketing Management and Strategy Assignment


You should assume the same role in the report as that which you adopted in the presentations, in the scenario of an invitation to you personally from the Brand Manager of the new product/service to demonstrate that you can critically evaluate the current proposition and identify areas for improvement to enhance the potential for the product and brand.  You have been asked to write a report to review and discuss how the key elements of marketing strategy and its application to practice would be instrumental in considering the future launch and success of your product/service if/when it goes to market, and the means by which evaluation and control on those strategic decisions could be made.  The Brand Manager is a practitioner not an academic and has expressed an interest in how the theory you learned as a student has led you to your conclusions and can inform, and be applied to, the practical process of new product development.  Therefore, whilst the assignment requires academic underpinning you are required to use a combination of theory and practical examples in your report.

The issues you have been asked to address in your report include:

Task 1: As an introduction to the report you should provide a brief re-cap/summary of the new product/brand which the npd team you were working in delivered during the presentations.

You have now been asked to critically review that proposition to identify, and justify, any amendments which you would/could make to the original proposals for the product. As these amendments will have implications for different strategies across the 4Ps of the marketing mix, you should identify which strategies, and metrics, would be appropriate within each component, with justification for such, to reinforce the point of difference which needs to be apparent in the development and introduction of new products/services, and in particular to the enhanced proposal your amendments present.

Task 2: However, as the traditional goods oriented perspective, represented by the 4Ps, is no longer solely appropriate for many companies that operate in dynamic business environments, there has been a paradigm shift in marketing literature and practices as more emphasis is now being given to intangible resources as an integral part of the product/service offering. In light of this you should critically analyse and recommend the best strategic options for your amended product/service across the components of the Extended Marketing Mix, i.e. the additional 3Ps that make up the 7Ps model, and suggest the appropriate marketing metrics that could be applied to each component, justifying your choices and indicating the relevance and benefits that this perspective might bring to add value to your proposition whilst enabling management to exercise evaluation and control. You should discuss this development, drawing on relevant literature/research findings and examples pertaining to services marketing, relationship marketing, internal marketing and social and ethical marketing issues.

Task 3: As your company is keen to optimise customer engagement with your product/brand, you have been asked you to identify different touch points which could be used in the launch of your product.  You should identify some of the key issues and strategies from the previous tasks to justify/dismiss your choices and indicate how they relate to target marketing strategy for enhancing the potential for customer engagement and added value.  Again, you need to identify the marketing metrics that would be most appropriate across this process, analysing how and why they would contribute to the evaluation and control when analysing the success of your product when it goes to market.

Overall: The module specific assessment criteria used to establish the actual mark awarded for this assignment are provided, however, additional marks have been allocated to these criteria for those students who demonstrate due diligence in the preparation and composition of the following in the individual components:

Presentation: correct format (report); planning/structure; writing style; word limit; professional in style; appropriate and creative use of Appendices if used; proofread.

Referencing: scope, range and use of reputable sources including academic journals and reliable industry specific sources; market intelligence; use of citations/sources in body and Appendices; APA style; References page correctly listed.

The level of critical evaluation/appraisal of the literature and relevant marketing theories relating to the issues under review; demonstration of marketing awareness and the application of marketing theory to practice in and between tasks; appropriate incorporation of the theory; academic rigour; creativity.

Individual Task: Self-Reflection statement

Every student has to submit a reflective statement, maximum one side of A4, reflecting on their experience of working in groups and the learning outcomes which have occurred as a result of the experience.  The focus should be on the process rather than the tasks which you undertook, and linked to the learning outcomes, skills and objectives of the assignment.

This task is confidential.  It should be submitted as an Appendix in your report.  It carries no marks weightings but is a compulsory component in the assignment.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131372313

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1/27/2017 12:32:36 AM

Students are recommended to refer to the guidelines provided by the University on the issues relating to group work, peer and self-evaluation in addition to the issues below relating to the individual submission: The work should be written in role and presented in report format. It should comply with the word limit, be in font 11 with line and a half spacing. All tasks must be addressed and demonstrate use of theoretical concepts and relevant examples. All research should be obtained via secondary sources only. Companies should not be contacted directly. Exceptional scholarship for subject. Outstanding ability to apply, in the right measure, the skills necessary to achieve highly sophisticated and fluent challenges to received wisdom. Extensive independent learning activity apparent via excellent research and references to evidence an impressive understanding of the topics and theories and how they relate to practice. Clear understanding of the arguments. Extensive use of relevant brand strategy examples. Intelligent writing style addresses all the key issues. Critical review apparent and synthesis of the issues under review is evident. Close attention to detail across all areas.


1/27/2017 12:32:28 AM

The assessment comprises both group and individual work, each weighted accordingly: Group work (presentation and peer evaluation) contributes 25% to the overall mark and An individual report contributes 75% to the overall mark. Students will work in groups of 5-6 people within their seminar groups. Once groups are established they remain fixed. The central tenet of the assignment relates to the development of a new product/service for an organisation/brand of your choice around which various marketing strategies and metrics will be evaluated and applied, therefore you should assume the role of Marketing Managers involved in new product development in all components of the assignment. Assessment will take place throughout the module and has been designed in a systematic way to mirror and build on the topics addressed in the module delivery to address the stages of the new product development process.

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