Reference no: EM131593604
Assignment: A Comparison of Intelligence Tests
For this assignment you are going to choose two different intelligence tests from the list below and compare and contrast these through the use of a graphic organizer followed by a summative analysis.
List of Intelligence Tests:
• Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
• Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
• Stanford Binet
• Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
• Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB)
• Otis-Lennon School Ability Test
• Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC)
The graphic organizer will need to be appealing and creatively display at least five similarities and five differences between the two intelligence tests you have chosen. Your summative analysis should be at least three pages in length (not including title page, reference page, or graphic organizer) and should
• Provide a brief explanation of history and purpose of the tests.
• Describe research to support the validity/reliability of the tests.
• Provide a written expansion and explanation of the comparison summarized in your graphic organizer of similarities and differences.
• Analyze any potential sources of bias or any criticisms of the test you observed yourself or that others have observed in the literature.
In addition to the textbook, you must utilize and integrate research and examples from at least two academic/scholarly sources, to support your statements and conclusions. Format your paper and citations according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.