Provide a brief cultural overview of the country

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131542952

Portfolio Project


The Portfolio is intended to encourage your reflection on course topics in personally meaningful ways. Your responses should be within the page length guidelines provided for each assignment and no longer than that. I encourage you to compose outlines and rough drafts prior to writing up the final entries to gauge the length of your project. These should be written in Word files, which are compatible with the Blackboard system. Be sure to save electronic files on your computer or flash drive. Responses should be single-spaced using 12 point font. The Portfolios are turned in, as one document that includes everything, toward the end of the session as listed on the course calendar.

The title page should include your name and title of the course. Beyond that, the design of the cover page (graphics or photos) is up to you. If you do include graphics within the project those materials will not count as space toward your writing page limits. Include a table of contents and remember to number the pages. A sample table of contents is provided at the end of this document.

Submit your Portfolios online by the deadline using the directions provided on Blackboard for the Turnitin system. Note that Turnitin is a plagiarism detection system.Do NOT directly copy the work from your sources (be sure to provide proper attribution of sources used) and do NOT copy the work of a previous student in the class.

Projects must be received (you will receive a time stamp from the Blackboard system) by the deadline. Late assignments will lose 20% of total points and will be accepted only up to two days (48 hours) beyond the deadline. Plan ahead and submit your materials on time to avoid losing points needlessly. Note that Turnitin provides a receipt for materials submitted. Be sure to keep a record of your receipt. If you have trouble submitting your work, you must immediately contact me (before the deadline); otherwise your project is considered late. If you follow directions there will be no problem with your submission of the project. Thousands of my students have done it.

For each section of the Portfolio, copy each heading and sub-heading followed by your answer. For example for Section #1 the heading is "PBS Untold Stories Project" and the sub-headings are "Yosemite Buffalo Soldiers," "Mount Rushmore, Telling America's Stories," and "Manzanar, Never Again." Again, provide the heading and sub-heading followed by your response. This will result in a well-organized Portfolio.

If you answer the questions thoughtfully and thoroughly you will do a good job on the Portfolio. I have been using Portfolios for ten years now and have found that students who put forth an earnest effort and answer the questions fully ALWAYS do well. In other words, if you follow the directions and put forth an honest effort you have nothing to worry about. So, again, I can't emphasize enough that all you have to do is read the directions carefully and provide responses to the best of your ability.
Section #1: PBS Untold Stories Project

View the video segment, read the PDF file, and complete the study guide for each of the Untold Stories on African Americans, Native Americans, and Japanese Americans.

Note that the study guides can be used as reference material for the exam. You DO NOT have to turn these in. This will be the only online assignment that will also require information that will be on an exam.

Respond to each of the essay questions below to be included in your Portfolio:

Yosemite Buffalo Soldiers: African American tourists comprise less than one percent of the visitation to Yosemite National Park. Shelton Johnson has made it his life's work to connect the general African American population to the national parks. Present ideas that you have that would result in the national parks being more attractive to African Americans as a tourism destination.

Mount Rushmore, Telling America's Stories: Gerard Baker is the first American Indian to be Superintendent of Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Discuss your thoughts on the inclusion of American Indian history and culture, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. In other words, to what extent should Native American history be interpreted in our national parks? What should tourists be exposed to in terms of Native American history?

Manzanar, Never Again: How should our country at war balance our citizens' civil liberties and the need for national security? What relevance does this period of history have in our world today and the statements and policies of President Trump? How does the fact that our country established a national site to honor a difficult period in our past reflect on us as a nation? What is it that tourists should learn about when they visit Manzanar?

Length: Three to four pages, grand total, meaning that the entire Section #1 should be three to four pages. I will repeat this only because on occasion students will still ask me about how long, in total pages, Section #1 should be. So the answer (again!) is three to four pages grand total.

Recommended Date of Completion: 1

Section #2: Codes of Cultural Behavior

1. Choose a destination (one country) anywhere in the world. To begin this section, explain why you chose this particular country.

2. Provide a brief cultural overview of the country to include historical background, language, religious beliefs, and other information you find interesting.

3. Conduct additional research on the codes of cultural behavior in the country. Provide information on cultural "Dos" and "Don'ts" for tourists to the country. Analyze at least five "Dos" and five "Don'ts" which document the codes of cultural behavior in the country that will assist tourists in avoiding conflict with the cultural values of the hosts. Again, discuss (not just list) the "Dos" and "Don'ts" as a major component of this assignment.

After each of the "Dos" and "Don'ts" make certain that you provide the reference cited. The references may appear by title only, in parentheses, after each listing. For example: (CultureGrams) or (CountryWatch). What this means, fully explained, is that you do not have to provide a full reference, but only the title of that reference. Students have sometimes still asked if they should use APA or MLA or some other form of citation. The answer is that you only need to provide the titles of the sources. Since I am already familiar with the sources, this makes things more convenient and easier for you.

4. Explain which of the "Dos" and which of the "Don'ts" seem most unusual to you and might contribute to your unease in the country you chose.

Note: Online resources include Europa World Plus and CountryWatch, which are authoritative data bases offered through the SDSU library. I encourage you to use these in your research. You are also welcome to use other accurate online sources. You must list a minimum of five references. Do not cut and paste material from your resources. You must report the information in your own words. Again, at least five sources must be used. And, again, these can be listed by title only (in parentheses) after you present the information in each instance. It is not necessary, in this class, to provide the full citation. Finally, at the end of this section, list ALL your resources under the heading "References."

Length: Four to six pages, total, for all of Section #2

Recommended Date of Completion: 3

30 Points

Section #3: VolunTourism

Go to

Review home page to understand the resources available on this web site and to get a feeling for what VolunTourism is.On the menu (left screen) under "Who Are You?" click on "Traveler." Read this page on VolunTourism for Travelers.

Under "Quick Links" click on "Getting Started" and read.Complete the following exercise in this section: "The Difficult Questions." (In other words, you will provide a response to each of the questions in this section.)Add to your Portfolio.

Under "Quick Links" click on "Trip Preparation" and read.(Note that we skipped the section on "Trip Selection.") After carefully reading the material, list three important insights you gained about trip preparation.Add to your Portfolio.

Under "Quick Links" click on "Processing Experiences" and read. Under "Quick Links" click on "Post-Trip" and read. Note the reference to "re-entry" (remember the W-Curve that focused on this aspect of tourism?). What is your response to these sections? In other words, what do you think of the advice given about Processing Experiences and Post-Trip?Add to your Portfolio.

Next, read the five articles that are posted on our Blackboard course management site for this assignment and summarize each of the articles (two to three paragraphs for each).Add to your portfolio.

Finally, is VolunTourism something you would consider in future travel plans? Why or why not? Add to your Portfolio.

Length: Four to seven pages, total, for all of Section #3

Recommended Date of Completion: 4

30 Points


Section #4: Project Implicit

Go to

This online project is associated with fascinating research about attitudes toward various aspects of non-dominant cultures. It is well known that people don't always "speak their minds" and it is suspected that people don't always "know their minds." Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology and for our purposes concerning cross-cultural perspectives.

The Project Implicit web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. Research using this new method (Implicit Association Test) has been conducted at the University of Washington, University of Virginia, Harvard, and Yale.

On the Project Implicit web site you will find a Demonstration Site and a Research Site. Choose the Demonstration Site. There you will find preliminary information and an "important disclaimer." Read over this material carefully before you proceed, knowing there is a possibility of encountering interpretations of your test performances with which you may not agree.

As you continue you can choose from about 15 possible tests that interpret your responses to various aspects of non-dominant perspectives, cultures, views and traditions (such as Asian-European American, African-European American, Arab Muslim-Other People, and Native-White American).

Choose any five of the tests (of the 15 or so, the categories vary over time) and complete them. In other words, you can choose the tests according to your personal reasons.

Please copy the results of your five tests (as screen shots) to be included in the Portfolio at the end of this section. With reference to the results from the tests, analyze your findings.

1) Explain to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the interpretations provided. 2) What does this entire assignment have to do with a general education course with the "cultural diversity" distinction?
3) What does the assignment have to do with cross-cultural perspectives of tourism?

Length: Two to three pages. Copies of results (screen shots) don't count toward the page limit.

Recommended Date of Completion: 5

20 Points

Table of Contents Page #

Section 1: PBS Untold Stories Project

Yosemite Buffalo Soldiers
Mount Rushmore, Telling America's Stories
Manzanar, Never Again

Section 2: Codes of Cultural Behavior

Choice of Country
Brief Cultural Overview
Codes of Cultural Behavior (Dos and Don'ts)
Unusual Aspects of Culture

Section 3:VolunTourism

The Difficult Questions
Insights About Trip Preparation
Processing Experiences
Summary of Articles
VolunTourism for You?

Section 4: Project Implicit

Interpretation of Results
Relevance to Cultural Diversity
Relevance to Cross Cultural Perspectives of Tourism
Results for 5 Tests (Screen shots)

Reference no: EM131542952

Questions Cloud

Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument : Compose an engaging thesis that states the argument that you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay
Prepare a presentation on inertia business management : Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on Inertia Business Management. This assignment considers change only: it excludes conflict and stress.
Cell receptor molecules : What are the roles of the a and ß chain T cell receptor molecules?
Practice of elimination communication : The practice of elimination communication seems to indicate that babies can gain the ability to inhibit the micturition reflex.
Provide a brief cultural overview of the country : Provide a brief cultural overview of the country to include historical background, language, religious beliefs, and other information you find interesting
Do you expect to retire at a certain age : Do you expect to retire at a certain age? How much preplanning will you need to do? Do you expect to retire to a life of leisure, volunteer activity, new career
Personal calorie recommendations : Design and follow a meal plan for two days that meets your personal calorie recommendations, while limiting sodium to 2 grams (2000 milligrams) daily.
Explore the ctu career services resource : The most successful careers generally do not just happen-they are built through consideration and planning. Reflect on what you have learned throughout.
Explore your current sphere of influence : Explore your current sphere of influence. Explain how you are a leader in your current position and how you apply the philosophy you described in this capacity.


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Portfolio Management Questions & Answers

  Discussion of the effects of the state of the economy

Discussion of the effects of the state of the economy, financial market conditions, industry (sector) on the fixed income securities selected in the portfolio

  Explain the reason of your investment in the industry

ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND MARKETING BAFI-1042 - Explain the reason of your investment in the industry that you considered for creating your active portfolio 1 [Hint: use macro-economicvariables and/or industry specific qualitative factors].

  You will be required to prepare a portfolio of 4 stocks

you will be required to prepare a portfolio of 4 stocks with an initial investment of 100000 and track the weekly

  What is the marginal tax rate for a single individual

What is the marginal tax rate for a single individual if her taxable income is $20,000? $40,000? 60,000? What is her tax bill for each of these income levels? What is her average tax rate for each of these income levels?

  Discuss the portfolios performance

Discuss the portfolios' performance as on 30/06/2016 (and any changes in the composition of the portfolios) and on 31/12/2016

  Define the notion of mean-variance efficient

Define the notion of "mean-variance efficient" port-folio in this context. Represent graphically the mean-variance frontier corresponding to the entire investment opportunity set, and identify the efficient part of the frontier

  Discuss reason for adding broader mix of international bonds

Robert Devlin and Neil Parish are portfolio managers at the Broward Investment Group. Identify and discuss two reasons for adding a broader mix of international bonds to the pension portfolio.

  Prepare porfolio managment reasearch paper on yahoo finance

Prepare a Porfolio Managment reasearch paper about COP website and Yahoo finance. I uploaded my powerpoint of the company and the paper outline.

  Evaluate the weighted average contribution margin

Prepare an Income Statement in appropriate format for your business. Calculate and evaluate the Weighted Average Contribution Margin (WACM). Calculate and evaluate the Contribution Margin Ratio (CMR)

  Calculate the annual holding return and annual holding yield

Calculate the annual holding return and annual holding yield of your portfolio and calculate the mean, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of your portfolio.

  Briefly discuss four aspects of the otunia environment

Briefly discuss four aspects of the Otunia environment that favor investing actively and four aspects that favor indexing.

  How would you attempt to look as good as possible by measure

How would you attempt to look as good as possible by this measure? Would this always coincide with the best interests of the manager?

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