Prove the correctness of the given program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131836294

Part -1:

Using our rules for Hoare logic, prove the correctness of the following program that computes the integer nth power of integer x. Although you might want to figure out the proof using tree layout, give your solution in linear form similar to the proofs of division given in the textbook.

We give the initial assumption

{n ≥ 0}

and final goal

{ y = xn }

in the program below:

// Slow Exponentiation

{ n ≥ 0 }
y := 1
k := n

while (k > 0) do

y := y ×

k := k - 1

{ y = xn }

{y = xn }

Bonus points Why is this called slow exponentiation? To get one bonus point, give code that is exponentially faster in n, and to get the second bonus point, argue convincingly that your speedup is exponential.

Part -2:

Using our rules for Hoare logic, show the correctness of the following program that computes the index of the largest element in an array of integers, A; again present your proof in linear form. Assume that arrays are indexed from 1 to n and n > 0, as in the first tutorial.

// Find Maximum
{ length(A) = n ∧ n > 0 }

maxI .= 1

for j from 2 upto n do

if A [j ]>A [maxI ]

then maxI .= j

else skip


{ ∀j ∈[1,n] A[maxI] ≥ A[j] }

Programming Part - 1

P1 Alice believes that the following Java function correctly copies a range of elements in an array to a new location (overwriting what is there).

static void rangeCopy (int A [],
int from , int endWith , int to ) {
for (; from <=endWith ; from +=1, to +=1) {
A [to ] = A [from ];
So, if
A = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
initially, then rangeCopy (A, 0, 1, 3) would change A to become
A = [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 1]
This is useful in many places: from copying ranges of cells in Excel to the
memcpy(1) system-library function.

Although the function works for the above example, there are a number of situations where it will do the wrong thing. Identify as many distinct ones of these that you can, explaining the problem and giving a counter-example where the function does the wrong thing. One important case will require you to reason about some kind of separation property. Finally, give a correct Java function, embedded in a class that tests for the various problematic cases you've identified.

Reference no: EM131836294

Questions Cloud

Making a function h : Maybe making a function h = f - g and using that somehow?
Explain the disadvantages of using the payback method : Explain the disadvantages of using the payback method. Compare and contrast the internal rate of return (IRR) method from the net present value method (NPV).
Determine the relationship of the first set : Use a Venn diagram to determine the relationship of the first set to the second no matter the choice of sets A and B.
How the client behaviors impacted the test results : Analyze the data in your client's case history. You will be addressing how the client's behaviors and test conditions impacted the test results.
Prove the correctness of the given program : CMPT 340-T1 - Why is this called slow exponentiation? To get one bonus point, give code that is exponentially faster in n, and to get the second bonus point
State the midpoint of the line segment : a.) state the midpoint of the line segment with the given endpoints.
State the domain of the function : f(x)=x^2-16/v2x-15 (square root extends to 2x-15) a. Calculate f(3) b. State the domain of the function f(x)=x^2-16/v2x-15
How would assess the current model of shared responsibility : How would you assess the current model of shared responsibility? Is it sufficient to adequately address future challenges?
State the domain of the function : f(x)=x^2-16/v2x-15 (square root extends to 2x-15) a. Calculate f(3) b. State the domain of the function f(x)=x^2-16/v2x-15



1/29/2018 2:58:53 AM

Submit your answers as two files: 1.a PDF file abc123-a1.pdf containing your written answers to the two written questions and any written details you want to submit for the programming question (e.g. explanations of the problematic cases, a separation logic proof of your new function). 2.a Java source file containing your code for the replacement function and your test cases. Note that abc123 must be replaced with your NSID and that each file must contain an identity block giving • your name • your NSID • your student number • this course and assignment number

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