Protecting the tropical rainforests

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Reference no: EM131532672

Environmental Science

A conservation organization has hired you to lead efforts to reduce the loss of biodiversity in a tropical country. Which of the following would you focus on first and why: habitat destruction/fragmentation, hunting/fishing activity, harvesting of wild species for commercial sale, or introduction of exotic organisms?Also, back to reality, what can you do personally in your daily life to help preserve biodiversity? (one paragraph)

Conservationists argue that watershed protection and other ecological functions of forests are more economically viable than timber. Timber companies argue that continued production supports stable jobs and local economies. Who would you agree with and why? What type of evidence would you utilize to make your decision? (one paragraph)

Research and update me on the current land clearing policy in Brazil. Are individuals still granted land title for clearing and cultivating crops on virgin land? Could you blame these individuals if this is the government policy? What alternatives do you feel could substitute for this and still provide these individuals with economic opportunities while protecting the tropical rainforests?

Verified Expert

The paper is about how the various biodiversity issues which help in sustaining a life & maintaining an ecological balance within an atmosphere. One should be able to attribute various habitats & eventually evolution of the life forms due to the biodiversity & ecological balances. It also discusses the saving the Brazil Amazon forest land & conservation approaches by the government. This paper has been prepared in Microsoft office words document.

Reference no: EM131532672

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