Prospects of business intelligence

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Reference no: EM132833798 , Length:

Topic - Prospects of Business Intelligence in context to Supplier Networks through Big Data Analytics

The new global economy is driven by data and big data applications have become a critical tool in strategic sourcing. Most businesses now require the ability to retain, aggregate, acquire and scrutinize data in order to extract intelligence.

Big data analytics can be used to generate business intelligence that subjects insights into basic aspects of supply and demand movements, changes in the business environment, global capacity levels, and commodity pricing structures that impact global sourcing. As a result, this study will use big data analytics to look into opportunities for business intelligence in supplier networks.

The primary goal of this study will be to determine how big data analytics can help supply markets produce business intelligence more efficiently and consistently. Combining the potential of big data analytics applications in developing efficient business intelligence in supply markets can bring new value for organizations, given the ever-increasing data sets and the growth and development of IT.

Attachment:- Business Intelligence.rar

Reference no: EM132833798

Questions Cloud

Determine the allowable qbi deduction : Diego and Molly are married, What is their tentative QBI based on the W-2 Wages/Capital Investment Limit? Determine their allowable QBI deduction?
How would you describe the elasticity of demand for product : Demand function specifies other factors that management will often consider, including the design and packaging of products, the amount and distribution.
What is its accounts receivable balance : Baxley Brothers has a DSO of 23 days, and its annual sales are $3,650,000. What is its accounts receivable balance
Deal with measurement in business research : This is the first of two chapters that deal with measurement in business research.
Prospects of business intelligence : Prospects of Business Intelligence in context to Supplier Networks through Big Data Analytics - big data analytics to look into opportunities for business
Describe staffing needs for continuous hedging management : Think about costs of hedging; variables needed to evaluate hedging; and the time, effort, and staffing needs for continuous hedging management.
How an audit committee could improve effectiveness : Explain how an audit committee could improve its effectiveness on internal auditor's internal control review and oversight work.
What was the company year-end total debt : If its year-end total debt was $120 million, what was the company's year-end total debt to total capital ratio
What is the expected impact of your organization : What is the expected impact of your organization on your stakeholders and community at large? Please state the three (3) most important criteria that define.



3/19/2021 11:35:33 PM

I would would like you guys to help with my dissertation so may I have it in a proposal format then after approval we can start working on it. Not mo than 12 pages see attachment for our project guidelines.

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