Prospective financers and key customers

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330748

How might inventory and accounts receivables be leveraged for short-term financing? Suppose you own a water purification company that sells and installs reverse osmosis systems for homes and businesses. You have a large profitable job lined up two months away, but after buying all of the supplies, you do not have enough capital to sustain the business until that time. What would you do?

Cash flow is important in any business but especially for small businesses. If you cannot find it in the text, look it up via the internet or UOP Library and describe each step of the cash conversion cyle and convey how you would create guidelines to improve each step of the cash conversion cycle for a small business.

Why is it important for a small business venture to gain support from prospective financers and key customers? If you started a business venture, how would you describe your venture to gain support from prospective financers and key customers?

Reference no: EM1330748

Questions Cloud

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Prospective financers and key customers : Why is it important for a small business venture to gain support from prospective financers and key customers? If you started a business venture, how would you describe your venture to gain support from prospective financers and key customers?
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Explain important information about small businesses : What role could offensive and defensive strategic market plans play in the short- and long-run performance of a small business? Should small businesses balance of offensive and defensive plans? Why?
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Explain how much should the firm charge : Explain how much should the firm charge to earn the maximum profit during off peak times.


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