Prosecuting drug dealers with third? degree homicide charge

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Reference no: EM133338085

Crimes against person

1. Third Degree homicide charges in PA include what is referred to as "Other" homicides. (First Degree is premeditated or planned killing and Second Degree is a homicide committed while performing a felony. For example, you rob a bank and in the process you kill the bank teller).

Research what constitutes Third Degree murder in PA. Find the legal definition of this murder charge here in PA and also find an example of a crime in which the person was convicted of Third Degree murder. Include details of the crime (date of the crime, etc). You will need to research this using the internet.

2. In addition, PA law also has a category of Third Degree homicide where a drug dealer could be charged with this level of homicide if a person who bought the drugs overdoses and dies. The law referred to this as "drug delivery resulting in death."?What is the present status of this section of Third Degree homicide in PA? Can drug dealers still be prosecuted under this law?

3. What is your opinion on prosecuting drug dealers with a Third?Degree homicide charge if a person overdoses and dies as a result of the drug sale? (explain your answer)

4. Use the PowerPoint on Crimes Against the Person to answer this question.?What is the difference between Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter?

Reference no: EM133338085

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