Pros and cons to crime control model

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Reference no: EM133354958


You become the new manager of an apartment complex. The owner hires you because you are an expert in crime control models. In the tour of the facility the owner shows you an opening in the fence. She explains that through the last two years, the block has been continually broken and removed resulting in an opening of about six feet across. She tells you that it started with the top course becoming loose from the juveniles hopping the fence to cut across the field to the store. She shows you an electric box right where the opening is that juveniles would use to hop over the 6-foot fence. She says that everyone was using the opening as a shortcut to the store, but now there is a nightly group of juveniles gathered around in the field next to where the opening is-drinking, smoking, and who knows what else. She tells you that tenants are complaining and are afraid to park their cars anywhere close to the fence opening. She tells you to decide whether or not to have the crime control model. What might be some pros and cons to the crime control model?

Reference no: EM133354958

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