Reference no: EM133078830
1. Should college athletes be able to unionize? What are the pros and cons of the unionization of college athletes?
2. One term that unions and leagues are required to bargain collectively is wages. For sports leagues, wages generally relate to how a salary cap is calculated. Should team owners always be required to open their financial books to players in negotiating a salary cap? Why or Why not?
3. Why do professional athletes want to limit the length of a sport's season? What motivates team owners to negotiate for the greatest number of games possible in a season? What is the best way for players and owners to reach an agreement on this issue?
4. To uphold section 8 of the NLRA, all that is required of employers and labor organizations is to meet and bargain collectively in good faith on the mandatory terms of collective bargaining. Neither side is required to make concessions, nor do they have to reach an agreement. Is this standard strong enough to promote strong labor relations in the United States? Why or why not?
5. What is the difference between a lockout and a strike? How effective are lockouts and strikes when it comes to employers and employees gaining concessions in collective bargaining? Use examples from recent collective bargaining negotiations between sports leagues and their players in making your argument.
Reading Chapter 11: Labor Law,