Pros and cons of each of the given gestures intended

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Reference no: EM131292765

Universal Sign for "I Goofed"
In an effort to promote peace and tranquillity on the highways, motorists submitted the following suggestions to a newspaper columnist.36

In small groups consider the pros and cons of each of the following gestures intended as an apology when a driver makes a mistake. Why would some fail?

a. lower your head slightly and bonk yourself on the forehead with the side of your closed fist. The message is clear: "I'm stupid. I shouldn't have done that."

b. Make a temple with your hands, as if you were praying.

c. Move the index finger of your right hand back and forth across your neck-as if you were cutting your throat.

d. Flash the well-known peace sign. Hold up the index and middle fingers of one hand, making a V, as in Victory.

e. Place the flat of your hands against your cheeks, as children do when they have made a mistake.

f. clasp your hand over your mouth, raise your brows, and shrug your shoulders.

g. Use your knuckles to knock on the side of your head. Translation: "oops! engage brain."

h. Place your right hand high on your chest and pat a few times, like a basketball player who drops a pass or a football player who makes a bad throw. This says, "I'll take the blame."

i. Place your right fist over the middle of your chest and move it in a circular motion. This is universal sign language for "I'm sorry."

j. open your window and tap the top of your car roof with your hand.

k. smile and raise both arms, palms outward, which is a universal gesture for surrender or forgiveness.

l. Use the military salute, which is simple and shows respect.

m. Flash your biggest smile, point at yourself with your right thumb and move your head from left to right, as if to say, "I can't believe I did that."

Reference no: EM131292765

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