Reference no: EM13757984
Pros and cons of domestic sales and also the quantitative research methods to use and utilize them Quantitative research methods and their pros and cons are related to domestic sales are as follows and first we want to know the quantitative research tools.
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative methods provide results that are usually rich and detailed, offering many ideas and concepts to inform your program.
Qualitative methods can tell you how people feel and what they think, but cannot tell you how many of your audience feel or think that way.
To conduct qualitative research:
• Select a small group of people with key characteristics in common
• Convene a discussion through focus groups or in-depth interviews or observe individuals' behaviors through in-home interviews, observations in schools, malls, supermarkets, etc.
• Keep the discussion somewhat unstructured so participants are free to make any response and don't have to choose from a list of possible responses
• Use a discussion/interview guide to make sure you ask the right questions for your research purpose, but ask questions based on participants' responses, rather than in a predetermined order.
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Pros and cons of domestic sales
: Pros and cons of domestic sales and also the quantitative research methods to use and utilize them Quantitative research methods and their pros and cons are related to domestic sales are as follows and first we want to know the quantitative resear..
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