Proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy

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Reference no: EM133381747


In the article, Somatic Experience: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy, what is the main purpose?

Reference no: EM133381747

Questions Cloud

Distinction between collective culture and personal culture : How do you understand the distinction between collective culture and personal culture? What is collective culture? What is personal culture?
Vague and ambiguous uses of language : Breifly and clearly distinguish between vague and ambiguous uses of language.
All humans in all cultures have access to themes : Wanda believes that all humans in all cultures have access to the themes and symbols that our stored in deep levels of our unconscious mind.
Discuss how your motor skills-ways of thinking : Discuss how your motor skills, ways of thinking, and choices have changed as you've developed.
Proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy : In the article, Somatic Experience: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy, what is the main purpose?
Population characteristics of grief counseling group : Explain how the theory coincides with the goals, objectives, activities, and population characteristics of a grief counseling group.
Loss of memory or extraordinary memory : Now find someone who has either a loss of memory (any type) or extraordinary memory.
How the attitudes and behaviors of your patient : Discuss how the attitudes and behaviors of your patient have changed since entering treatment.
Intervention strategy : Giving children information about how their actions affect others is one teachers use blank as a play intervention strategy.


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