Proposed research method

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131122635

Produce a detailed project proposal and an initial literature review for your proposed project.

Additional Information
Your submission is in three parts, all of which must be passed. You MUST use the structure given here, along with the section headings shown =kilned below and the subheading shown below.

The contents of each section should be in the correct place in the submission document, as listed below. You must provide material for all sections and subsections listed below.
Title page

Table of Contents


containing the following: Rational and Context Aims Research Question(s)

Proposed Research Method(s)

Ethical and Access Issues (Using the form available from the module Learn page inserted into this place in the report. Do NOT put it in an appendix.)

Potential Value of Research

Research plan (single A4 sheet) Outline of the tasks you will do and when you will do them. A Gantt chart or similar is an appropriate way to do this. Again, this must be in this place in the report, NOT in an appendix.

Literature Review. This should cover the research topic, the method(s) you propose to use, technical information relevant t your topic, etc. Everything you do in your project must be supported by current literature. Remember t a literature review is not ;ust a reporting of published material. It must contain a critical review of the material showing that you are thinking about current knowledge and how it applies to your project. 

References n Harvard format. 

Reference no: EM131122635

Questions Cloud

Create competitive advantage when other organizations fail : Write a paper of 1,600-1,750 words in which you discuss why Blue Ocean organizations successfully create sustainable competitive advantage when other organizations fail.
Identify the major sources as well as the players associated : Identify the major sources, as well as the players, associated with each type of financing for each life cycle stage.
Identify the types of financing that typically coincide : Identify the types of financing that typically coincide with each stage of a successful venture's life cycle.
Concept of bottom-up budgeting : Please be a simple idea nothing complicated. Short and Simple Don't over-engineer this assignment, simply demonstrate you understand the concept of bottom-up budgeting and direct vs. indirect costs
Proposed research method : Produce a detailed project proposal and an initial literature review for your proposed project.Additional Information Your submission is in three parts, all of which must be passed. You MUST use the structure given here, along with the section headin..
Write your application information for each strategy : Information regarding how each characteristic is applied in each strategy. Write your application information for each strategy in the appropriate column of the matrix.
Consider a graph and the question whether there exists graph : Show that such a cycle exists if and only if the graph is connected and the number of incoming arcs to each node is equal to the number of outgoing arcs from the node.
Critically discuss notions of autonomy : Based on and using examples from your required readings, critically discuss notions of autonomy as they relate to women's health care. Include some discussion of the conflicts that arise from ideal and actual conditions defining patient autonomy.
Explain the types of information you would expect to gather : New ventures are subject to periodic introspection as to whether they should continue or liquidate. Explain the types of information you would expect to gather and how they would be used in each stage to aid an entrepreneur's approach to the venture'..


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