Reference no: EM132224037
Sustainable Development
Choose the Marriot hotel, Kochi, Kerala, India.
You should go through the assesnment brief and make reserach on suatainability at hotel Marriot Kochi.
Individual Elements Presentation & Coursework.
This assessment is one (1) of two (2) assessments for this module.
Aim of the Assessment
The aim of this assessment is for students to demonstrate their ability to evaluate the current and future practices of sustainability, by critically analysing why and how sustainability needs to be implemented efficiently in the hospitality industry. The implementation of such, should be analysed in the frame of the requirement to create financial value for the chosen business and respect its sustainable (including responsible, ethical & CSR practices and) priorities.
Students are expected to evaluate and critically explain the current level of financial returns generated by the chosen business entity and how the introduction/development of sustainability affects the status of that business. The report should consider one only of the following:
i)energy efficiency, ii)waste management, iii)sustainability food and beverage management and iv)consumer typology and behaviour.
Additionally, students evaluate and propose three useful sustainability concepts/principles with an implementation plan (minimum of 24 months for each) for the management of the selected business. Critical evaluation of feasibility, appropriateness and practical implementation is required.
The report should include the advantages and disadvantages for the management of the hospitality business, and must demonstrate that management feedback has been requested even if not received. If there has been feedback, this should be considered before making the final recommendation. Further, the report must refer to academic papers on the subject matter in a critical fashion; a minimum of fifteen recent academic references, other than the course textbook, should be used.
Mandatory Format of the Research Report
Introduction - consider the business and the one selected criterion to be evaluated; link the two and introduce the subject area of the research. State the objective(s) or the hypothesis; state the type of research used - qualitative or quantitative; map out the other stages of the report.
Literature Review - re. the chosen criterion i.e. energy efficiency, waste management, sustainability food and beverage management and consumer typology and behaviour. At least 15 different academic sources should be used, other than the textbook. Consider the various strategies open to the business to address issues.
Methodology - outline the choice of research method & support the choice through academic argument. Identify and critically analyse the foreseen challenges inherent in the research. The list of interview questions (as submitted & reviewed by the responsible faculty member) & summary of the responses plus feedback garnered on submission of the research to the business should all be included as Appendices (not included in the word count). Critically analyse the utility of the data collected and the openness of the business to such sustainability.
Findings and the Resultant 24-month Plan - remember to relate the findings to the Literature Review articles. The Plan should be included in the appendices and the main principles of such discussed in the paper.
Conclusion & Recommendations - Based on the business response to the submitted report. Link to the objectives/hypothesis of the research. Consider the whys & why nots of the business feedback.
Learning Outcomes
1. Evaluate a range of CSR & sustainable development strategies within financial parametres, in a hospitality context.
2. Propose and justify appropriate sustainability measures to hospitality businesses in a variety of global contexts.
3. The students need to display a firm understanding of the need for sustainable development and sustainable tourism and hospitality.
Assessment Brief
Evaluate a range of CSR and sustainable development strategies in a hospitality context and determine how those could be implemented at the selected hospitality business. Explain how and who will benefit from the researched and implemented strategic proposals re. sustainability.
Propose and justify appropriate measures to the selected hospitality business in a variety of global sustainability contexts.
Assessment Type - Research Report
Assessment Details
In this assessment, you are required to:
- Choose a hospitality business in Switzerland.
- The business in question, wherever located, needs to be agreed with the Module Lecturer (see additional document "Choosing & Validating Your Business Choice" on the Moodle platform).
- Contact a/the decision maker of the selected business to organise field research (at least one visit to the location is necessary if found in Switzerland).
- Give a brief overview of the present selected operation(s) justifying the need for change(s) and considered financial benefits.
- Critically evaluate and explain the current CSR & sustainability status of the selected business; incorporate one only of the following (i) - (iv):
(i)energy efficiency; (ii) waste management; (iii)sustainability food and beverage management; (iv)consumer typology and behaviour.
- Evaluate a range of business strategies available to the business in question, explaining both the benefits and disadvantages of the researched actionable sustainable strategic proposals.
- Propose and justify appropriate sustainability measures to the selected hospitality business using examples drawn from a variety of global sustainability contexts (minimum of three) accompanied by a 24-month action plan. Critical evaluation of feasibility, appropriateness and actionable implementation is required including the needed investment.
- Pro-forma financial statements and/or a 24-month budget should be included in the appendices and referred to in the Findings & Recommendations.
Attachment:- sustainability developnment project.rar