Propose and document the requirements for the company LAN

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132222154



Phase 1 is a software development company with two branches spread over the Western Sydney region. The company's local area network (LAN) is captured in the topology below:

1483_local area network.jpg

Head Quarter network has 100 network devices including all computers, printers and other devices. Branch A and B subsequently have 30 and 20 devices, respectively. Recently, the company has been assigned with a new space of IP addressing and the whole network has to be re-addressed.

Task 1

You are contracted by the company to help with the IP address planning. The following is the new IP address space:
IPv4 network: 203.2.XY.0
where XY is the last 2 digits of your student ID

Your task is to plan and document

An IPv4 address plan for the LAN

You are expected to provide an efficient and optimum address allocation solution with the following details:

1. IP address requirement for each sub-network

2. IP address allocation plan for each network/sub-network including network address, subnet mask, broadcast address, default gateway address and valid host address range.

3. IP address allocation plan for key network device and interfaces e.g., servers, printers, router interfaces, etc.

Phase 2 has expanded and it has decided to redevelop the company existing LAN to achieve the company's following business and technical goals.

The Business goals:
• Improved communications, wireless, VoIP, and others
• Protect company information

Technical goals:
• Scalability - company plans to increase employee by 15% in next 12 months.
• Accessibility-- Employees are able to access to company resources from both company and home (different servers)
• Performance - network performance must be high
• Security - protection of company information and other IT assets
• Flexibility- network should be flexible enough to create logical grouping as required.
• Availability - wireless network access is available in all employees as well as some outdoor areas for software developers and employees

You are contracted by the company to help with the network redevelopment.

The new company structure

The company has 5 departments: Software Development, Solution Design, Customer Support, Sales and Finance detailed as follow:

Software Development 

Number of employees


Each employee has

01 PC + 01 IP Phone

The department has

3 servers (DNS, Web and DHCP) 

Solution Design

Number of employee


Each employee has

01 PC + 01 IP Phone

The department has

3 servers (DNS, DHCP and Web Server)

Customer Support

Number of employee


Each employee has

01 PC + 01 IP Phone

The department has

1 server (DHCP and Web)


Number of employee


Each employee has

01 PC + 01 IP Phone

The department has

1 server (Web)


Number of employees


Each employee has

01 PC + 01 IP Phone

The department has

2 servers (Web and Firewall)

X is the Last digit of your student ID is located in a 5-stories building. The company plans to put each department on a separate floor. However, there is also an option to have the software development to occupy two floors while other departments will share the other three. The network, therefore, should be flexible enough to meet either option.

Task 2

Your task in this part is to propose and document

1. The requirements for the company local area network (LAN)

2. A logical design for the LAN

3. An updated IP address plan for the LAN according to the proposed design

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

• be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme.
• be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods.
• be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration.
• be able to explain how data flows through the internet.
• be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.

This assessment aims to assess the following learning objectives of this subject:
• be able to analyse IP addressing requirements and design an addressing scheme;
• be able to analyse the requirements of IP routing and choose appropriate routing methods;
• be able to demonstrate how internetworking devices obtain their network configuration;
• be able to explain how data flows through the internet; and
• be able to ascertain and evaluate selection of applications and protocols for transferring data across the internet.

Reference no: EM132222154

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1/24/2019 12:49:05 AM

The assessment must be submitted electronically with a Cover Page that includes the following information: • Assessment No • Assessment Title • Student Name & ID • Subject Name and Code • Student Email Address • Students must ensure that all tasks/questions are identified clearly with headings. • Answers to the questions must be in your own words and should be precise but complete and informative. No marks will be awarded for any answer containing more than 10% direct quotes (referenced or unreferenced). • APA reference style must be used throughout the document with the bibliography at the end of the document. In-text citations should also follow APA style. APA referencing guide


1/24/2019 12:48:50 AM

Documentation (10%) Professionally presented documents with title, TOC, diagrams, references, etc. Information is presented in a logical, interesting way, which is easy to follow. No grammar and spelling mistakes. The use of fonts and colour scheme is impressive. Professionally presented documents with title, TOC, diagrams, references, etc. Information is mostly presented in a logical manner, which is easily followed. No grammar and spelling mistakes. Document is clearly presented with all required information. Information is generally, if not always, presented in a logical manner, which is easily followed. Minor grammar and spelling mistakes.


1/24/2019 12:48:42 AM

New IP addressing plan (30%) Correct IP addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet. Additional details about IP address assignments e.g. server IP addresses also provided. The subnetting plan is optimal and efficient. Correct IP addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet. Additional details about IP address assignments e.g. server IP addresses also provided. Correct IP addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet.


1/24/2019 12:48:36 AM

Logical design (30%) Correct logical design. The design has the flexibility, performance and scalability. The design also supports high availability and security. Correct logical design. The design has the flexibility, performance and scalability. Correct logical design. The design has the flexibility but may have performance and scalability issue.


1/24/2019 12:48:26 AM

Requirement engineering (15%) Work out correctly the number of IP addresses required for each department based on the given details. Reasonable IP address reservation for future network growth is planned. A comprehensive list of additional requirements is provided. Work out correctly the number of IP addresses required for each department based on the given details. Reasonable IP address reservation for future network growth is planned. Some additional requirements are provided. Work out correctly the number of IP addresses required for each department based on the given details. Reasonable IP address reservation for future network growth is planned.


1/24/2019 12:48:19 AM

Network Diagram (5%) Correctly reproduce the LAN diagram with detailed information about the IP assignment for each device network interface. The network devices are logically notated. Additional information about each network device e.g. manufacture, type and model are Correctly reproduce the LAN diagram with detailed information about the IP assignment for each device network interface. The network devices are logically notated. Correctly reproduce the LAN diagram with sufficient information about the IP assignment.


1/24/2019 12:48:11 AM

D (75-85) C (65-75) Correct IPv4 addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet. Additional details about IP address assignments e.g. server, router interface IP addresses also provided. Correct IPv4 addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet.


1/24/2019 12:48:02 AM

Criteria HD (85-100) IPv4 addressing plan (10%) Correct IPv4 addressing plan with detailed information about network address, broadcast address and default gateway address for each subnet. Additional details about IP address assignments e.g. server, router interface IP addresses also provided. The subnetting plan is optimal and efficient.

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